Hazeltree Partners with HSBC Global Asset Management to Automate Cash Sweeps

Hazeltree LiquidityWeb™ adds access to HSBC Global Asset Management funds to provide buy-side institutions with more cash investment solutions

NEW YORK and LONDON and HONG KONG, Oct. 19, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Hazeltree, the leading provider of integrated buy-side treasury management solutions, today announced the addition of HSBC Global Asset Management to the expanding partner network of Hazeltree LiquidityWeb™, an integrated cash management and sweep platform. This partnership provides mutual clients an efficient way to manage cash and sweep unencumbered free cash to HSBC Global Asset Management money market funds, providing exposure to diversified portfolios of high quality liquid assets with competitive yields. Hazeltree’s partnership with HSBC comes at a time when buy-side clients continue to be challenged by global regulatory changes and the implications they have on traditional deposit taking activity.

HSBC Global Asset Management, one of the largest managers of offshore AAA-rated money market funds, offers investment solutions, spanning a range of geographies, currencies, risk levels and durations to meet its clients’ specific operating, reserve, and strategic cash management needs.  With liquidity operations in over 14 different locations, HSBC provides global and local liquidity products in a wide range of currencies that suit differing client requirements. This partnership with Hazeltree provides a straight-through-process between buy-side firms and HSBC Global Asset Management money market funds to provide liquid and diversified opportunities, while offering yields in line with short-term money markets.

"Today’s global trading environment demands a clear focus on effective cash management by integrating intelligent sweeps to preserve cash and provide effective yields.  Hazeltree LiquidityWeb offers a streamlined way to manage those treasury activities,” said Sameer Shalaby, CEO of Hazeltree. “We welcome HSBC Global Asset Management to our expanding partner network and look forward to collaborating with them to provide our mutual clients access to their unique variety of liquidity products.”

Hazeltree LiquidityWeb provides an efficient and secure interface to sweep excess cash to a range of liquidity products from several of the world’s leading financial institutions, now including HSBC Global Asset Management. With a single click, clients can subscribe, wire money to fund their purchase, and post their transaction to their internal general ledger. Similarly, they can redeem, receive their funds and update their general ledger.

Hazeltree LiquidityWeb is offered as a standalone solution or integrated into Hazeltree’s award-winning treasury management platform.

About HSBC Global Asset Management
HSBC Global Asset Management, the investment management business of the HSBC Group, invests on behalf of HSBC’s worldwide customer base of retail and private clients, intermediaries, corporates and institutions through both segregated accounts and pooled funds. HSBC Global Asset Management connects HSBC’s clients with investment opportunities around the world through an international network of offices in around 30 countries, delivering global capabilities with local market insight. As at 31 March 2016, HSBC Global Asset Management managed assets totaling US$429bn on behalf of its clients. For more information, see www.global.assetmanagement.hsbc.com.  

About Hazeltree 
Hazeltree is the leading Treasury Management solution provider, serving hedge funds, asset managers, fund administrators, insurance companies and pension funds with powerful, proactive performance enhancement and risk mitigation capabilities that generate operational alpha, reduce a range of risks and streamline operations. Hazeltree’s integrated treasury management solution includes comprehensive cash management, securities financing, collateral management, counterparty management and margin management capabilities. Hazeltree is headquartered in New York with offices in London and Hong Kong. For more information, please visit www.hazeltree.com.



Profil de l'entrepriseHazeltree Fund ServicesIndustrie: Business Support Services