Dr. Khaldoun F. Ajlouni Wins the Private Practice Prosthodontist Award for Rockies/Plains Region 4 from the American College of Prosthodontists

CHICAGO, Oct. 26, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Khaldoun F. Ajlouni, DDS, MS, was honored with the Private Practice Prosthodontist Award for Rockies/Plains Region 4 for extraordinary collegiality, outreach, and community service by the American College of Prosthodontists (ACP). Dr. Ajlouni was be honored at the Annual Awards & President's Dinner during the 46th Annual Session of the ACP held in San Diego from Oct. 5-8, 2016.

Dr. Ajlouni received his DDS degree at the University of Jordan. He then went on to earn his certificate in Advanced Education in Prosthodontics and his Master's degree in Oral Science from Marquette University School of Dentistry. He maintains a private practice in Texas focusing in restorative and implant dentistry, and is working as a part time clinical professor in the Department of Restorative Sciences at Baylor College of Dentistry
He is a member of the American College of Prosthodontists, International Team for Implantology (ITI), the American Dental Education Association, and the International Association of Dental Research. Dr. Ajlouni also served as treasurer of the American Association for Dental Research and the International Association for Dental Research (AADR-IADR) and received four distinguished teaching awards at Baylor College of Dentistry and the University of Nebraska College of Dentistry, he is also a reviewer for multiple scientific peer reviewed Journals and gives CE courses focusing on Implants and Restorative dentistry, He also involved in volunteer work and has traveled internationally on mission trips to help those in need.
"My goal since the first day I started practicing has been to provide my patients with the best advice I can and to be there for them when they need me; many have become close friends, and for that I'm grateful," said Dr. Ajlouni. "I'm honored to be considered among the best in our specialty by the American College of Prosthodontists. This achievement is the result of the support of my family, the guidance of mentors, the help of my office team, and the trust of my patients, without whom this never would have been possible. I dedicate this award to each of them."
The Private Practice Award may be given annually to up to five individual prosthodontists (one per ACP Region). These individuals must have made outstanding contributions to the advancement of the prosthodontic specialty and the role that the prosthodontist in private practice plays in advancing the patient's quality of life.
Prosthodontists are specialized dentists with advanced training in oral health issues, who are committed to improving patient outcomes. From implants, crowns, veneers, and tooth whitening, to full-mouth reconstruction, Prosthodontists specialize in digital dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, and sleep apnea solutions.
The ACP is the only prosthodontic specialty organization whose membership is based solely on education credentials. ACP members must be in or have completed an ADA-accredited advanced education program in prosthodontics.
About the ACP

The American College of Prosthodontists (ACP) is the official sponsoring organization for the specialty of prosthodontics, which is one of only nine recognized specialties of the American Dental Association. Founded in 1970, ACP is a not-for profit organization dedicated to enhancing patient care, advancing the art and science of prosthodontics, promoting the specialty of prosthodontics to the public and other dentists and healthcare professionals, ensuring the quality of prosthodontic education, and providing professional services to its membership. For more consumer information visit GoToAPro.org, professionals can visit Prosthodontics.org.

A photo accompanying this release is available at:


Dr Ajlouni
