DELFINGEN Industry: Net sales for 4th quarter 2016


Net sales for 4th quarter 2016
Anteuil, February 10, 2017


Growth is drawn by sales in America, India and China.
Refocusing continues on strategic activities

Consolidated sales (January 1st to December 31st)

In M€ 20161 2015 Growth Constant perim & CER2
Net Sales 175.8 172.2 2.0% 2.8%
In M€ 20161 2015 Growth Constant perim & CER
Automotive 156.8 150.7 4.0% 4.9%
Specialty markets 19.0 21.5 - 11.9% - 12.0%

1 Unaudited

2 At constant perimeter and constant exchange rate

Automotive market: growth is 4.9%

The published net sales are up by 4.0% at the end of December 2016 (the evolution is + 4.9% at constant perimeter & CER) at a period when the global automotive production has increased by 4.8%.

Net sales in the on-board networks protection business - which account for 71% of overall sales - are up by 5.3% (+ 6.2% at constant perimeter & CER). The technical tubing for fluid transfer business is up by + 10.8% (+ 10.7% at constant perimeter & CER). The mechanical parts assembly business is down by - 8.7%.

The impact of the exchange rates on sales is unfavorable of 1.2 M€ at the end of December.

At constant perimeter and exchange rate, sales are up as follows:

  • + 2.3% in Europe-Africa at a period when that market growth is + 3.8%, sales are affected by the decrease of the net sales in the mechanical parts assembly business ;
  • + 5.1% in North America at a period when that market growth is + 2.0% ;
  • + 10.6% in Asia, including + 12% in India and + 18% in China, at a period when that market growth is + 7.2%.

Specialty markets

Specialty markets account for 11% of the sales. Published net sales are down by - 11.9% (- 12.0% at constant perimeter & CER).

On the basis of a 1% to 2% growth of global automotive production for 2017, DELFINGEN confirms its sales growth objectives of 3% to 5% thanks to accelerating sales in Asia, the development of its range of products for on-board networks protection and by innovation in technical plastic tubing for fluid transfer.

DELFINGEN, a global automotive supplier and a leading manufacturer of on-board networks protection solutions and fluid transfer tubing.
NYSE Alternext Paris - ISIN code: FR 0000054132 - Mnemonic: ALDEL
Next press release: 27/03/2017 - 2016 Annual Results
Contact: M. Christophe CLERC: +33 (0) -

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