Mexico Manufacturers Database 2017: Number of Total Companies - 304,342

Dublin, Feb. 14, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "2017 Mexico Manufacturers Database" directory to their offering.

The "Made In Mexico" database contains information on companies selected from the manufacturing section of SIC Categories 20 through 39. The database is delivered either as a Tab Delimited or CSV file (customer's choice) which can be opened in the most common software programs such as ACT, Goldmine, MS Acess, Excel or Filemaker.

Every record in this database has the following fields of information: Industry Sector, Major SIC Category, Sub SIC Category, Product/Services Description, Company Name, Address, City, Colonia, State, Zip and Telephone. Also included when available are: Fax, Web Url, Email, Contact Name, Contact Title, Total Revenue USD, Number of Employees, Years in Business, Longitude and Latitude Geo Coordinates. See above latest data statistics for more details.

Report Statistics

- Number of total companies: 304,342
- Number of addresses:304,342
- Number of telephones: 304,342
- Number of total emails: 62,174
- Number of total key contacts: 45,431
- Number of total web sites: 41,823

2017 Latest Mexico Database Statistics

Previous Month Number of Records 1,604,374
Number of New Records Added 1,520
Number Of Deleted Records 376
Number Of Changed Records (Typos, Address, Name, SIC Category, Web, Email, etc.) 12,468
Total Number of Records 1,605,518
Total Company Colonia/Neighborhood 1,523,607
Total Company City 1,605,518
Total Company State 1,605,518
Total Company Zip 1,587,029
Total Company Phone 1,605,518
Total Company Fax (in Mexico many main phones are also fax line) 191,267
Total Company Web 212,027
Total Company Email 250,713
Total Company Contacts 110,778
Total Company Contact Titles 110,778
Total Company Annual Sales 595,117
Total Company Employees 604,908
Total Company Years In Business 390,811
Total Geo Coded Data 1,552,426

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