Skyword Brings Artificial Intelligence to Content Marketing

Skyword Personalized Recommendations delivers personalized onsite and email recommendations to increase engagement and conversions

Boston, Massachusetts, Feb. 15, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Boston, MA, February 15, 2017 – Skyword, the leading content marketing software and services company, today announced Skyword Personalized Recommendations (SPR), an artificial intelligence-based engine that delivers personalized onsite and email recommendations. Now brands can build an audience through sustained publishing of original content and increase engagement with those audiences by recommending other relevant stories through Skyword’s predictive technology.

“It used to be enough to create content based on a persona or representation of your ideal customer,” said Tom Gerace, CEO and founder of Skyword. “Not anymore. Today’s consumers expect stories that address their specific needs and preferences. Otherwise, they'll bounce from your site or ignore your emails. But, it hasn’t been easy to personalize individuals' experiences at scale and in real time.

“While 74 percent of people get frustrated when content appears that has nothing to do with their interests, 60 percent of marketers struggle to create one-to-one experiences,” said Gerace. “With SPR, we’ve made it easy for our clients. Now they can centralize their content creation, distribution, and personalization initiatives all within the Skyword Platform as well as gain actionable insights on all three areas.”

Gerace continued, “In early installations of Skyword Personalized Recommendations, we have averaged 65 percent lift in web site engagement and 120 percent lift in email response rates from personalized recommendations when compared with control group results.”

“We’re excited about the ability to create personal experiences for our visitors to The Benefits Guide,” said Andrew Reinbold, content marketing director at Anthem, Inc.” Anthem built this destination to help businesses navigate the changing health-care environment. Most people land on our site because they are searching online for a specific answer about health care plans and benefits. We implemented Skyword Personalized Recommendations to help guide these visitors to other relevant articles and content that will make their jobs easier and their employees’ lives better. This personal interaction helps us turn a one-time visitor into a loyal fan of Anthem.”

About Skyword Personalized Recommendations

With Skyword’s Personalized Recommendations, brands and media companies can provide onsite recommendations for specific visitors based on personal profiles built with Skyword’s deep learning and predictive technology. They also can nurture these relationships by including personalized recommendations in emails or newsletters to subscribers -- fueling outbound channels with smart, adaptive content. Skyword Personalized Recommendations uses an ensemble algorithm to deliver recommendations and learns from machine learning algorithms such as collaborative filtering. Collaborative filtering is a way of making automated predictions about a user by collecting preferences or taste recommendations from other users. This type of approach is considered to generate the most accurate methods for delivering personalized recommendations that deliver results.

About Skyword
Skyword liberates brands from ineffective marketing practices and inspires them to create deeper connections with their audiences. The Skyword Platform makes it easy to produce, optimize, and promote content at any scale to create meaningful, lasting relationships. Skyword also provides access to a community of thousands of freelance writers and videographers, an editorial team, and program managers who help move clients’ content marketing programs to new levels of creative excellence. Skyword is a privately held company headquartered in Boston, MA, with offices in Palo Alto, CA, and New York, NY. The company’s technology center is located in Pittsburgh, PA. Investors include Cox Media Group, Allen & Company, Progress Ventures, and American Public Media Group.

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