Seclore’s Enterprise Rights Management Solution Adds Usability Innovations

New features include native document editing for Mac, password free file access and support for Google authentication

SUNNYVALE, Calif., Feb. 22, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Seclore, the leader in Enterprise Rights Management (ERM), today announced the latest release of its flagship data-centric security solution. New capabilities offered provide a more seamless experience for both the sender and recipient.

The most impactful update in the new release is the ability to edit protected documents natively in Mac. Seclore for Mac 2.0 packs in powerful new features which make the enterprise even more secure and compliant – while reducing the burden on both IT and end users. The skyrocketing number of enterprise Mac users are now empowered with the same level of data-centric security as their Windows counterparts.

“Existing Seclore users that use the iOS platform will now be empowered to do much more than just apply rights and view protected files. They can now open, edit, save, and print protected Office documents in their native Office 2016 apps running on Mac,” stated Abhijit Tannu, CTO at Seclore. “Our goal with this release is to decrease end user friction and increase adoption by enabling users to leverage the entire universe of features provided by Office when working with their protected files on Mac devices.”

Additional features in the latest version of Seclore Enterprise Rights Management, include:

  • Enhanced user on-boarding - With innovative password free file access, Seclore’s pioneering user on-boarding process is now even faster and easier. Users can open protected files immediately after a one-step email verification – no password required. 
  • Upgraded user interface - Seclore’s award-winning secure browser-based viewer now allows viewing of multiple files simultaneously. Combined with additional enhanced viewing options, agentless access is an  effortless process.
  • Gain access through Google account - Further expanding on Seclore’s identity federation, users can now login into Seclore automatically through their Google account making access to protected documents even faster..
  • Auto-discovery of users - Email auto-forwarding capabilities enable the ‘auto-discovery’ of those who need access to protected content, eliminating the need to manually grant permissions to users. Forwarding a protected email automatically transfers access permissions to all new recipients, making ad hoc use of rights management while emailing a breeze. Through this feature, unregistered recipients are registered automatically, eliminating the need for manual authentication. 

“Our newest features form an integral part of Seclore’s vision of providing easily adoptable data-centric security solutions to organizations,” said Vishal Gupta, CEO at Seclore. “With a relentless focus on reducing friction at both the sender and receipt stages of the rights management process, Seclore is leading the way in closing the remaining security gaps in organizations’ IT ecosystems.”

About Seclore
Seclore offers an innovative data-centric security solution, which enables organizations to control usage of files wherever they travel, both within and outside of the organization’s boundaries. The ability to remotely enforce and audit who can view, edit, copy, screen capture and redistribute files empowers organizations to embrace mobility, file-sharing, and external collaboration with confidence.

Easy to deploy and use, Seclore extends the security of many DLP, ECM,  ERP, EFSS, VDR, CASB, and Mail/Messaging solutions to information that move beyond the perimeter. Seclore was recently recognized by Gartner as a “Cool Vendor” and by Deloitte as one of the “50 Fastest Growing Technology Companies” due to innovations in agentless receipt of protected documents. With more than 10,000 companies across 29 countries, Seclore is helping organizations achieve their data security, governance, and compliance objectives.

