Ontario SPCA responds to urgent appeal from Kashechewan sending 750 lbs of dog food

STOUFFVILLE, Ontario, April 24, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Ontario SPCA has responded to an urgent appeal from the Kashechewan First Nation for food for their resident dogs as the community evacuates from rising flood waters.

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at:



“The Ontario SPCA has been a resource for animals during natural disasters all across Ontario,” says Deputy Chief Jennifer Bluhm, Ontario SPCA. “We are pleased to be able to extend a helping hand to the Kashechewan First Nation community and the animals we all care for so deeply.”

750 lbs of food was transferred on Saturday, April 22, 2017 to Kashechewan.  

To learn more about the Ontario SPCA’s programs and services, visit Ontariospca.ca

This transfer was made possible thanks to the generosity of donors.

Ontario SPCA and Humane Society:

Protecting animals since 1873, Ontario SPCA is Ontario's Animal Welfare organization. A registered charity comprised of over 50 Communities.

Since 1919, when Ontario's first Animal Welfare legislation was proclaimed, the Ontario SPCA, with the help of its Communities, has been entrusted to maintain and enforce Animal Welfare legislation. The Act provides Ontario SPCA Agents and Inspectors with police powers to do so.

Ontario SPCA provides leadership in animal welfare innovations including introducing high-volume spay/neuter services to Ontario and opening the Provincial Education and Animal Centre.


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Charitable Business Number 88969 1044 RR0002

Food in truck w Ontario SPCA Agent Chelsey Romain Food in truck-high
