Sogeclair : Q1 2017 consolidated turnover: +11.54%

Blagnac, France, 10 May 2017-5.45pm,
                                                                                                                                                       Montreal, Canada

Q1 2017 consolidated turnover: +11.54% 

SOGECLAIR, the designer of innovative high added-value solutions and products for the aerospace and transport sectors, today reports its results for the first quarter to 31 March 2017.

After a year of growth in 2016 - up by 6.85% like for like - turnover for the first quarter 2017 amounted to €36.3 million, showing organic growth of 11.54%.

This performance benefits in part from the favourable effect linked to the number of days worked during this first quarter, with two additional days compared with the same period in 2016, positively impacting turnover by between 2 and 3%.

The breakdown per division is as follows:

Division Turnover (€ million)
Turnover (€ million)
Variation as %

Aerospace 31.7 29.1 +9.08%
Vehicle 0.6 0.3 +96.77%
Simulation 3.9 3.1 +25.54%
Total 36.3 32.5 +11.54%
International 19.4 16.5 +17.61%

Each of the divisions has shown growth in its turnover:

- Aerospace: +9.08%, driven by its Product activities,

- Vehicle: +96.77%, thanks to the boost given by its new contracts, as announced at the end of 2016,

- Simulation: +25.54%, carried by its products around the autonomous vehicle and Defence.

From the geographical viewpoint, France progressed by 5.28% whereas the international market (53.55% of sales) was up by +17.61%.

Taken by zone, Europe progressed by 14% and America by 40.2%.

Resolutely turned towards the future, focused in terms of expertise and industrial sectors, SOGECLAIR anticipates another year of growth in its activity for 2017.

Next announcement: Q2 2017 turnover on 26 July 2017 after the close of the Stock Market

Designer of innovative, high added-value solutions and products, SOGECLAIR brings its skills in high-quality engineering and production to cutting-edge sectors: aeronautics, space and transport. Supporting its customers and partners from the design and simulation stages through to the end of the product's lifetime, all along the production chain and for entry into service, the Group counts nearly 1,400 staff working worldwide to offer a high-quality, proximity service to all its customers.

SOGECLAIR is listed on Euronext Paris - Compartment C - Euronext® Family Business index - Code ISIN: FR0000065864 - PEA PME 150
(Reuters SCLR.PA - Bloomberg SOG.FP)

Philippe ROBARDEY, President & CEO of SOGECLAIR +33(0)5 61 71 71 71
Marc DAROLLES, Executive Vice-President of SOGECLAIR +33(0)5 61 71 71 71

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SOGECLAIR: Q1 2017 consolidated turnover: +11.54%