SPINEWAY :Ordinary and Extraordinary General Shareholders' Meeting of 19 June 2017 Access to preparatory documentation

Press release                                                                                                                                                                            

Ecully, 24 May 2017

Ordinary and Extraordinary General Shareholders' Meeting of 19 June 2017
Access to preparatory documentation

The shareholders of SPINEWAY are invited to attend the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Shareholders' Meeting to be held on Monday, 19 June 2017 at 11 a.m., at SPINEWAY's registered office, located at 7 allée du Moulin Berger, 69130 Ecully.

Notice of the meeting, serving as convocation, setting forth the agenda and draft resolutions was published in France's legal gazette (BALO) on 15 May 2017.

The information and documents provided for in article R. 225-83 of the French Commercial Code have been made available to the shareholders since notification of the meeting, in accordance with applicable regulations:

  • any registered shareholder can, up until and on the fifth day prior to the meeting, ask the company to send him/her the information and documents in question. As for holders of bearer shares, exercising this right is subject to providing certificate of registration in the bearer security accounts kept by the authorized intermediary;
  • any shareholder can consult such information and documents at the company's registered office during the 15 days preceding the date of the meeting.

The information and documents in connection with this meeting referred to in article R. 225-73-1 of the French Commercial Code can be found on the Company's website, as follows:

Find out all about Spineway at www.spineway.com

Next communication:
2017 First Semester Sales - 18 July 2017, after market closes

Spineway designs, manufactures and markets innovative implants and surgical instruments for treating severe disorders of the spinal column.
Spineway has an international network of over 50 independent distributors and 90% of its turnover comes from exports.
Spineway, which is eligible for investment through FCPIs (French unit trusts specializing in innovation), received the OSEO Excellence award as well as the Deloitte Fast 50 award in 2011. Rhône Alpes INPI Patent Innovation Award (2013) - Talent INPI award (2015).
ISIN code: FR0011398874 - ALSPW     

Investor Relations
David Siegrist - Finance Director
Tel: +33 (0)4 72 77 01 52
  Financial Communication
Jérôme Gacoin / Solène Kennis
Tel: +33 (0)1 75 77 54 68


Pièces jointes

General Shareholders’ Meeting June 2017