Embrace the New E-Commerce with ONU

ONU's interactive 3D is changing the entire online experience

CHICAGO, June 01, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ONU is bringing a completely modern solution for improving e-commerce to the Internet Retailer Conference & Exhibition (IRCE). IRCE is where companies expect to find vendors with the latest technology trends in e-commerce. ONU’s unique 3D product visuals are setting the new standard.

A video accompanying this announcement is available at http://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/0fd2e0d0-3e91-4798-93c2-e10ba15c29cc

To stand out online, products must look real. 91% of online shoppers also want them to rotate, zoom and spin according to Adobe. Innovative companies want these differentiating features to be part of their online strategy. But flat images don’t look like the real thing, and clunky product photography behaves poorly. A difficult experience can make customers actively angry towards the brand, according to a Gallup poll.

ONU is software that creates 3D visuals of products that are photorealistic, interactive and customizable. Any size or type of item, from a shoe to a car, scales and fits any screen size responsively. This simple experience increases emotional engagement and brand loyalty, which in turn delivers more conversions.

“The two most important factors are image quality and load times. ONU delivers both,” says Jack Docal, Digital Strategist for Xenith Helmets, a company that was an early adopter of ONU’s platform.

ONU has several key features that address important aspects of e-commerce, including:

  • 3D real-time rendering for powerful interactive features like zoom, rotations and animations
  • Photorealism with an exceptionally high level of product detail
  • Industry-leading product customizer - which generates a higher willingness to pay. Change colors and materials, add text and logos, or swap components, all in real-time.
  • Guided tours help customers understand product features
  • Easily embed ONU on any website with a few simple lines of code
  • Works with leading platforms like Shopify, Magento, Woocommerce, Netsuite and more
  • The ability to move into virtual or augmented reality for marketing, sales promotions or trade shows

Other features of ONU include a robust backend, data analytics and a mobile app. ONU also uses Amazon Web Services’ CloudFront for storage. CloudFront meets the highest standards. Their reliability means ONU’s 3D scenes are always available on your website - thereby avoiding any customer frustrations.

“Online retail is ultra-competitive. Companies are constantly searching for ways to enhance their eCommerce presence and stand out. Our 3D visualization platform is the most effective and powerful way to do this. It is simply a must have for any manufacturer selling consumer products online,” said Sam Sesti, President of ONU.

ONU is a software company at the forefront of 3D visualization. ONU One is the 3D asset platform for delivery to devices. Products are optimized for web, mobile and in virtual and augmented realities. Since 2014, ONU One is the choice of innovators. ONU’s clients include top manufacturers of machinery, sporting goods, electronics and apparel. For more information, visit irce.onu1.com.

