Brussels Regional Informatics Centre Uses Integration, API Management, Analytics and Identity Capabilities of WSO2 Platform to Seamlessly Connect Government Agencies

New case study explores BRIC’s work with WSO2 partner Realdolmen to develop two data exchange platforms facilitating communications between government agencies and the public

Mountain View, CA, June 02, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- WSO2 today announced that solutions partner  Realdolmen has implemented two data exchange platforms for the Brussels Regional Informatics Centre (BRIC), a public interest agency that serves the 19 municipalities of Brussels-Capital. The WSO2 platform powers the Intégrateur de Services Régional (ISR) , enabling the exchange of information and processes between government agencies. Additionally, it functions at the heart of Brussel’s Smart City communications platform, supporting the city’s open data and Internet of Things (IoT) initiatives. A new case study about the implementation can be found at

The case study from WSO2 examines the business and technology demands leading to BRIC’s need for the two new platforms. It also reviews the factors that led the agency to select Realdolmen and WSO2, and discusses the solution architectures for the two platforms.

The first platform, ISR, functions as a single, large-scale hub for web services offered by government institutions. Designed by Realdolmen using WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus, ISR allows Brussels’ government agencies to open up their functionality and datasets to each other and to agencies outside the capital city.

The second platform developed by Realdolmen is an internal communications hub. It takes advantage of WSO2 API Manager for API management and analytics, as well as WSO2 Data Services Server to enable the exchange data and services in a unified manner. Not only does this support Brussels’ open data needs, it lays the groundwork for Brussel’s smart city initiative.

“The most important feature of WSO2’s platform has been the extensibility that allows us to tailor the solution to our specific needs,” says Hendrik Albrecht, division manager of consulting services at Realdolmen. “WSO2’s platform has proven to be a robust and affordable solution for implementing a range of enterprise integration patterns. We look forward to extending the use of WSO2 as BRIC continues to build on the initial success of its solutions.”

“As one of the premier technology consultants in Belgium, Realdolmen is a valued partner in empowering businesses and government agencies to digitally transform their operations,” said Dr. Sanjiva Weerawarana, WSO2 CEO and chief architect. “We are thrilled by the innovation of the data exchange platforms that Realdolmen has developed for the Brussels Regional Informatics Centre. They demonstrate power, agility and flexibility of our fully open source, enterprise software in driving next-generation digital services.”

About BRIC
The Brussels Regional Informatics Centre (BRIC) is a public interest agency that serves the 19 municipalities of Brussels-Capital, including the city that is the designated capital of Belgium. BRIC’s mission is to organize, promote and spread the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) among various groupsspanning from regional authorities and agencies to hospitals, centers of education, and citizens. It is also the founding shareholder of the region’s broadband telecommunications network, IRISNet.scrl.

About Realdolmen
Realdolmen is one of the largest independent information and communications technology (ICT) experts in Belgium. With around 1,250 highly trained employees, the company provides services to over 1,000 customers in Benelux. Realdolmen strives to make ICT more personal, to help enterprises make the most of their employees’ and your organization’s potential in every collaboration it is a part of, following the motto: “To get there, together.” To learn more, visit

About WSO2
WSO2 uniquely increases the agility of digital businesses and enterprises engaging in a digital transformation. It offers the only completely integrated enterprise platform that enables businesses to build, integrate, manage, secure and analyze their APIs, applications, and Web services—on-premises, in the cloud, on mobile devices, and across the Internet of Things. Leading enterprise customers worldwide rely on WSO2’s award-winning 100% open source platform and its robust performance and governance for their mission-critical applications. Today, these businesses represent nearly every sector: health, financial, retail, logistics, manufacturing, travel, technology, telecom and more. Visit to learn more, or check out the WSO2 community on the WSO2 Blog, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

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