World Renowned Trompe L'oeil Master. Philippe Bertho, To Offer Latest Works Exclusively at Martin Lawrence Galleries.

Nation's Premier Network of Fine Art Galleries To Host July Events in San Francisco & Costa Mesa, California

San Francisco and Costa Mesa, California, June 26, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- "For a long time, I naively believed that painting was a matter of technique. Then I read about Picasso, son of a drawing teacher, who spent his life learning to draw as a child: then and there my perspective on art was transformed forever. To represent a face in profile and from the front at the same time; it is simply great poetry."

"Pendant longtemps, j'ai cru naïvement que la peinture était une questionde technique. Puis j'ai lu sur Picasso, fils d'un professeur de peinture, qui a passé sa vie à peindre comme un enfant: cela a transformé ma perspective sur l'art. Représenter un visage de face et de profil en même temps, c'est tout simplement de la grande poésie."-Philippe Bertho

Perhaps once in a generation, a voice comes along that is so fresh it defies definition, challenging the way we find expression. Martin Lawrence Galleries (MLG), whose nine galleries across the country are the home to the finest artists of the 20th century and 21st century, invites you to experience Philippe Bertho's personal and visual works, which illustrate, enlighten and-with gloriously subtle nuance-confound the eye.

I think my paintings are paintings of ideas. There is an abstract painter who will throw on a canvas his emotion state, as they say. There is a realistic painter who will sketch a portrait of you in great strokes with a large brush, to express the violence inside of him or her. There are many kinds of painters: I am a painter of ideas who paints with delicacy and restraint.

"Je pense qua ma peinture est une peinture d'idées. II y a des abstraits qui mettront sur le canevas leurs émotions, comme ils disent. II y a des peintres réalistes qui feront un portrait de vous à grands traits avec une large brosse pour exprimer la violence intérieure percue. II y a plusieurs types de peintres: je suis un peintre des idées, qui peint avec délicatesse et retenue."-Philippe Bertho

Philippe Bertho, born in the region of Brittany, is a classically trained artist who began studying his craft in the early 1990s in Reims, France. He spent considerable time mastering decorative trompe l'oeil ("to fool the eye") painting, a technique which literally creates the illusion of a 3rd dimension on a flat surface. His style draws comparisons to the "Pop Surrealist Decades" which included Warhol and Dali. But Bertho's work fools much more than the eye.

He was discovered by the owners of Martin Lawrence Galleries, when they happened to see paintings that both caught their eye, and took their breath away. Never before had they seen a painter of such magnificent vision and unique perspective. They immediately asked him to join their family of superb 20th century and 21st century artists., such as Chagall, Picasso, Warhol, Ertê and offer his work exclusively at their fine art galleries located in 9 cities from New York to New Orleans, Maui to La Jolla.

In the years since, Bertho has navigated the space between paintings and drawings and graphics, inspired by urban art, advertising and comics.

Bertho's newest works, which will be proudly offered for sale at MLG's San Francisco and Costa Mesa locations, reflect his desire and recent decision to return to his vision of life as new ideas. They are teeming with a vibrancy that truly characterizes his pleasure of painting.

"The department store of my inspiration has grown a little. New aisles have appeared, and everything is up for grabs"

"Le Grand magasin de mon inspiration a quelque peu grandi. De nouveaux rayons ont apparu, et tout est à prendre"-Philippe Bertho

Discover the latest works by this acclaimed pop illusionist. New and original works on canvas and hand-signed prints will be available to view and acquire.

Opening Receptions and Meet the Artist:

Friday, July 7th, 6-8pm. Martin Lawrence Galleries + 366 Geary Street + San Francisco, CA (415) 956-0345 +

Saturday, July 8th, 6-8pm. Martin Lawrence Galleries + South Coast Plaza + Costa Mesa, CA (949) 759-0134 +

Martin Lawrence Galleries (MLG), headquartered in Greenwich, Connecticut, has 9 gallery locations nationwide., New York, Chicago, Dallas, Las Vegas, New Orleans, San Francisco, Costa Mesa, La Jolla, Lahaina and online at Founded in 1975, Martin Lawrence Galleries specializes in original paintings, sculpture and limited edition graphics. In the last 15 years, it has lent nearly 250 different artworks by 16 different artists to 32 different museums around the world and publishes artists including Kostabi, Kondakova, Ertê, Hallam, Nicholls, Bertho, Fressinier, Lalonde and Deyber.


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Vertige, hand signed, limited edition print on canvas, 28.5 x 36 inches 3:58pm, hand signed, limited edition print on canvas, 45.5 x 35 inches
