30-Year Fixed Mortgage Rates Fall Slightly; Current Rate is 3.67%, According to Zillow Mortgage Rate Ticker

SEATTLE, June 27, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The 30-year fixed mortgage rate on Zillow® Mortgages is currently 3.67 percent, down one basis point from this time last week. The 30-year fixed mortgage rate rose to 3.71 percent on Friday, then hovered there before falling to the current rate on Tuesday.

“Mortgage rates were flat last week and we expect the relative calm to continue leading up to the Fourth of July holiday,” said Erin Lantz, vice president of mortgages at Zillow. “Lenders are likely to price conservatively going into the holiday weekend. A couple of Fed speeches midweek could push small movements in rates, but overall we expect another quiet week.”

Zillow’s real-time mortgage rates are based on thousands of custom mortgage quotes submitted daily to anonymous borrowers on the Zillow Mortgages site and reflect the most recent changes in the market. These are not marketing rates, or a weekly survey.

The rate for a 15-year fixed home loan is currently 2.95 percent, while the rate for a 5-1 adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM) is 2.96 percent.  

Below are current rates for 30-year fixed mortgages by state. Additional states’ rates are available at: http://www.zillow.com/mortgage-rates.

30-Year Fixed Rate (6/27/17)
Last Week’s 30-Year Fixed Rate (6/20/17)Change in Basis Points 
 California Mortgage Rates3.69%3.67%+2 
 Colorado Mortgage Rates3.71%3.71%0 
 Florida Mortgage Rates3.66%3.67%-1 
 Illinois Mortgage Rates3.72%3.71%+1 
 Massachusetts Mortgage Rates3.67%3.67%0 
 New Jersey Mortgage Rates3.65%3.68%-3 
 New York Mortgage Rates3.78%3.80%-2 
 Pennsylvania Mortgage Rates3.66%3.67%-1 
 Texas Mortgage Rates3.65%3.65%0 
 Washington Mortgage Rates3.70%3.71%-1 

Due to the holiday, next week’s mortgage rate alert will be released on Wednesday, July 5.

About Zillow Mortgages
Zillow Mortgages, operated by Zillow, Inc., is a free, open, and transparent lending marketplace, where borrowers connect with lenders to find loans and get the best mortgage rates.  Borrowers anonymously submit loan requests and receive an unlimited number of custom mortgage quotes with real rates directly from thousands of competing lenders.  Zillow Mortgages also provides mortgage calculators, mortgage advice, mortgage widgets, and lender directories
Zillow is a registered trademark of Zillow, Inc.

