New Research Finds Actionable Data is Critical First Step to Winning Retail Customer Experience

One-third of U.S. retailers struggle to maintain customer loyalty; Darius For Retail helps brands take practical steps to improve engagement, protect business, grow sales and be ‘retail ready’

NEW YORK, June 29, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Darius For Retail, the leading personalization and insights technology, today released new third-party research identifying gaps in retail customer engagement that endanger business growth and success.

Darius For Retail collaborated with Sapio Research to gain insight into how U.S. retail decision makers approach customer engagement, data and in-store technologies. The data sheds light on the critical issues endangering retail, including how businesses are failing to be ‘retail ready’ for their shoppers by not strategizing beyond traditional retail holidays and store planning.

Key findings include:

  • The Data Deluge: Although 76% of retail decision makers claim to have enough actionable data, 55% are still using written, non-automated records to measure customer experience
  • Situational Engagement: While 30% of retailers struggle to maintain customer loyalty, 53% wait for customers to walk in to or check out of the store before engaging with them
  • Untapped Channels of Success: The majority of retailers engage with customers in person but only 32% tap into Wi-Fi communication, a frictionless source of insightful shopper data
  • Failure to Invest in Data: Despite 65% of retailers reporting they do not have budget limitations, 11% are not using any retail technology to gather customer data

“It is critical for the industry to understand what being ‘retail ready’ is. Put simply, which I think retailers want to hear, it starts with having the right customer data to build a strategy from, and goes far beyond the tactics of holiday season or sales based marketing and store design,” said Enda McShane, CEO of Darius Technologies and Velocity Worldwide. “Retailers must stop talking about customer engagement and start acting on it; by integrating data collection through technology, retailers can change the shopper experience and create personalized experiences that protect and crucially project their brand by engaging shoppers at all points of their pre-store, in-store and post-store journeys.”

Darius For Retail integrates with existing store technologies to give retailers the data, tools and insights they need to be ‘retail ready’ all the time. The technology refines critical customer data in to actionable ways to improve engagement, encourage loyalty and protect and grow the business.

Darius For Retail helps brands be ‘retail ready’ through:

  • Customer acquisition and retention – personalized marketing and engagement attracts new customers and instills loyalty of existing ones
  • Business planning and decision-making – critical data insights are refined into actionable analyses, providing precise strategies and programs that improve foot traffic and sales
  • Relevant content targeted to the right customers – generalized marketing campaigns are replaced by personalized, targeted content relevant to individuals and audience segments.

To learn more about how retailers can make use of customer data and store technologies to improve customer engagement and be ‘retail ready,’ check out Darius For Retail:

About Darius For Retail
Darius For Retail is a software development division of Velocity Worldwide, a retail marketing solutions company with 20 years of experience, and Hussmann Corporation, a provider of world-class food retail solutions. The technology seamlessly integrates into a variety of retail environments around the world, including gas stations, grocery stores, shopping malls and sports stadiums. With global presence, Darius For Retail equips retailers with solutions that help to navigate the complicated retail landscape for now and the future.

