DELTA DRONE : Six-month report on the liquidity agreement with Louis Capital Markets


Six-month report on the liquidity agreement
with Louis Capital Markets

Dardilly, 24 July 2017

Pursuant to the liquidity agreement concerning the Delta Drone company shares entrusted to Louis Capital, the cash account contained the following as at 30 June 2017:

  • 22,212                  Delta Drone shares
  • 8,987.36            euros in cash

The cash account contained the following as at 31 December 2016:

  • 19,795                  Delta Drone shares
  • 10,747.40             euros in cash

About Delta Drone: The Delta Drone Group is a renowned player in the field of civilian drones for professional use. It offers a complete service, from data acquisition to data processing through a specifically developed information system, including a supply of professional pilots. These pilots are trained and certified by EFD, a subsidiary of the Group, and local partners.
Delta Drone is listed on the Alternext market of Euronext Paris.
ISIN code: FR0011522168


Jérôme Gacoin  
+(33) 1 75 77 54 65  

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