Hours Before the Senate Votes on Unknown Legislation that Would Send the Healthcare Sector Into a Tailspin and Rip Insurance From Tens of Millions of Americans, Republican and Democratic Mayors Stand United in Opposition Mayors Repeat Call for Senators to Start From Scratch, Work with Local, State Legislators to Produce Results that Prioritize People

WASHINGTON, DC, July 25, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Led by United States Conference of Mayors President and New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu, a group of more than 60 mayors—Republican and Democratic—today issued a letter urging the Senate to vote no on the motion to proceed, and push the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee and Senate Leadership to form a bipartisan working group, with the nation's mayors and governors, to strenghten the nation's health care system. Any bill that slashes Medicaid and rips health insurance away from a single family or senior that needs it is a nonstarter with the country’s mayors.


Eighty-five percent of Americans live in cities, and mayors are at the forefront of national health care delivery and programming. “Let’s work together to find solutions that stabilize the health insurance markets; eliminate lifetime and annual limits; cover preventive services; and insure affordable health coverage for those with pre-existing conditions; substance use disorders, mental health illnesses, and others among our most vulnerable populations,” the letter reads.


Mayors are available for interviews and broadcast appearances. If you're interested in speaking with Mayor Landrieu or USCM leadership about this issue, please contact Kelsi Browning at kbrowning@skdknick.com or 908-247-3263.


Full text of the letter and signatories are below:


The Honorable Mitch McConnell                      The Honorable Charles Schumer                    

Majority Leader                                                    Minority Leader

United States Senate                                          United States Senate

Washington, DC 20510                                      Washington, DC 20510


The Honorable Lamar Alexander                     The Honorable Patty Murray                             

Chair                                                                      Ranking Member

Committee on Health, Education,                     Committee on Health, Education,

Labor & Pensions                                                Labor & Pensions

United States Senate                                          United States Senate

Washington, DC 20510                                      Washington, DC 20510


Dear Senators,  


On behalf of United States Conference of Mayors, we are writing to strongly urge the Senate to vote “No” on the ‘motion to proceed’ on any healthcare legislation that would take away healthcare coverage from millions of Americans in our cities.  We strongly encourage leadership and relevant members to form a bipartisan working group in partnership with the nation’s mayors to craft legislation that will truly fix what ails our healthcare system.


We are Republican and Democratic mayors who represent small and large cities and towns in progressive and conservative states and localities – we are on the ground and closest to the people; and we are ready and willing to partner with you. We are united and confident that, working with you, we will find actionable solutions to strengthen healthcare delivery.


Cities and their metro regions are home to 86% of the nation’s population, 88% of the nation’s jobs, and 91% of the country’s GDP. Any proposal that strips away coverage, hurts seniors, or hampers efforts to combat the opioid epidemic is a non-starter for cities. During our annual meeting earlier this summer, the nation’s mayors released the Mayors’ Agenda for the Future that affirms our position as the public officials closest to the people, and that quality health care in this country should be viewed by all as a human right, not a privilege for those who can afford access to it.  


A bipartisan working group that includes Mayors, Governors and Senators and that is inclusive of cities’ voices regardless of their relative size, demographic makeup, or political persuasion – will provide a venue for vibrant, productive policy conversations that will deliver real, measurable results. It will serve the best interests of all our shared constituencies, who are best served by action, not partisanship.


cc. Members of the Senate


Mitch Landrieu

Mayor of New Orleans

USCM President


Stephen Benjamin

Mayor of Columbia (SC)

USCM Vice President


Madeline Anne Rogero

Mayor of Knoxville


Nan Whaley

Mayor of Dayton


Frank C. Ortis

Mayor of Pembroke Pines


Elizabeth B. Kautz

Mayor of Burnsville


Paul A. Dyster

Mayor of Niagara Falls


John Heilman

Mayor of West Hollywood


John Giles

Mayor of Mesa


Kim McMillan

Mayor of Clarksville


Gary R. McCarthy

Mayor of Schenectady


Paul R. Soglin

Mayor of Madison


Lovely A. Warren

Mayor of Rochester


Alan L. Nagy

Mayor of Newark


Mike Rawlings

Mayor of Dallas


John A. McNally

Mayor of Youngstown


William 'Bill' V. Bell

Mayor of Durham


Patrick J. Furey

Mayor of Torrance


David J. Berger

Mayor of Lima


Denny Doyle

Mayor of Beaverton


Javier Gonzales

Mayor of Santa Fe


Steve Adler

Mayor of Austin


Hillary Schieve

Mayor of Reno


Michael B. Hancock

Mayor of Denver


Eric Garcetti

Mayor of Los Angeles


Lyda Krewson

Mayor of St. Louis


Mark W. Mitchell

Mayor of Tempe


Adrian O. Mapp

Mayor of Plainfield


Greg Stanton

Mayor of Phoenix


Joseph T. McElveen Jr.

Mayor of Sumter


Bill de Blasio

Mayor of New York City


Sue Higgins

Mayor of Oakley


Catherine E. Pugh

Mayor of Baltimore


Stephanie A. Miner

Mayor of Syracuse


John P. Marchand

Mayor of Livermore


Jim Kenney

Mayor of Philadelphia


Nancy Rodkin Rotering

Mayor of Highland Park


Martin J. Walsh

Mayor of Boston


Jon Mitchell

Mayor of New Bedford


Helene Schneider

Mayor of Santa Barbara


Marni L. Sawicki

Mayor of Cape Coral


Levar Stoney

Mayor of Richmond


Jonathan Rothschild

Mayor of Tucson


Paula Hicks-Hudson

Mayor of Toledo


Rahm Emanuel

Mayor of Chicago


David H. Bieter

Mayor of Boise


Donald Terry

Mayor of Rancho Cordova


Pauline Russo Cutter

Mayor of San Leandro


Marilyn Strickland

Mayor of Tacoma


Geraldine 'Jeri' Muoio Ph.D.

Mayor of West Palm Beach


Sylvester 'Sly' James Jr.

Mayor of Kansas City


Buddy Dyer

Mayor of Orlando


William Peduto

Mayor of Pittsburgh


William A. Bell Sr.

Mayor of Birmingham


Ken S. Rosenberg

Mayor of Mountain View


Karen M. Freeman-Wilson

Mayor of Gary


Joe Baldacci

Mayor of Bangor


Luke Bronin

Mayor of Hartford


Kathy M. Sheehan

Mayor of Albany


Muriel Bowser

Mayor of Washington, DC


Edwin M. Lee

Mayor of San Francisco


Wayne M. Messam

Mayor of Miramar


Greg Fischer

Mayor of Louisville



About The United States Conference of Mayors -- The U.S. Conference of Mayors is the official nonpartisan organization of cities with populations of 30,000 or more. There are nearly 1,400 such cities in the country today, and each city is represented in the Conference by its chief elected official, the mayor. Like us on Facebook at facebook.com/usmayors, or follow us on Twitter at twitter.com/usmayors.




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