Cegereal, the French Core Office REIT - Excellence of Cegereal's financial and extra-financial reporting confirmed

Paris, October 3, 2017 - 8:00 a.m.
Permanent information

Excellence of Cegereal's financial and extra-financial reporting confirmed 

Cegereal won two Gold Awards at the annual conference of the European Public Real Estate Association (EPRA) for the quality of the financial and environmental information in its 2016 annual report.

This is the third consecutive year that Cegereal has been recognized for the excellence of its financial and extra-financial reporting, which is aligned with international best practices.

The EPRA aims at promoting, developing and representing all listed real estate companies at the European level. Its purpose is to promote coherent reporting in the real estate sector, both on financial and extra-financial information.

Our annual report and CSR report are available on our website (http://cegereal.com).

  • Investor Calendar

October 26, 2017: Third-quarter 2017 revenue

For more information, please contact:

Media Relations
Alexandre Dechaux / +33 1 53 32 84 77  
Investor Relations
Raphaël Tréguier / +33 1 42 25 76 36 

About Cegereal

Created in 2006, Cegereal is a commercial property company that invests in prime office properties in Greater Paris. The portfolio's appraisal value is estimated at €1,144 million as of June 30, 2017 (replacement value).
To date, Cegereal is the first French property company with a fully certified portfolio from an environmental point of view (HQE and BREEAM "Very Good") and benefits from the "Green Star" rating in the international benchmark GRESB.
Cegereal is a REIT listed on Euronext Paris since 2006, in compartment B (ISIN: FR0010309096). The Company had a market capitalization of €508 million on October 2, 2017.

Follow us on Twitter: @cegereal

Pièces jointes

Press Release (PDF)