Promoboxx Offers Fee-Free Local Advertising to Support Small Businesses This Holiday Season

During Month of November, Fee-Free Local Ads Help Brands and Local Retailers Increase Foot Traffic and Sales Leading Up to Small Business Saturday

BOSTON, Oct. 03, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Promoboxx, the only brand-to-retailer commerce platform, today announced it will offer customers fee-free Local Ads during the month of November. This program rewards national brands who empower their local retail partners, with local advertising content and support, to increase foot traffic and sales leading up to Small Business Saturday 2017. Promoboxx Local Ads is the only advertising solution that helps brands extend their national advertising content, targeting, and media mix out to their local retail partners.

In a year marked with headlines about big box store closures and eCommerce mergers, it is more important than ever for national manufacturing brands to support the small businesses that advocate for and sell their products in local communities. Without an effective point of connection and alignment between brands and retailers, marketing opportunities are lost, relationships unravel, and money is wasted. State and local governments are also taking notice -- The Massachusetts State Senate recently announced a new task force, “Strengthening Massachusetts Local Retail,” which will identify ways to help local retailers become more competitive.

“Promoboxx is proud to support Small Business Saturday again this year. With over 40,000 retail partners, we’ve proven that when brands provide advertising support to their independent retailers, these small businesses transform into their best local marketers,” said Sonciary Honnoll, VP of Brands & Co-Founder at Promoboxx. “We are thrilled to partner with national brands and local retailers to support their campaigns and help drive foot traffic and sales at the height of the 2017 retail holiday season.”

Promoboxx Local Ads connects and aligns brands with retailers in a way that helps win loyalty, mind share, and the battle for sell-through. With Local Ads, digital advertising at a local level is streamlined, scalable, trackable, and super easy -- which in turn strengthens the relationship between the brand and their retail networks to extend advertising reach and sell more inventory.

With Local Ads, Promoboxx customers gain on average:

  • 3 million local consumers reached per campaign
  • 25x more consumer views of brand content
  • 20% increase in retailer engagement
  • New Balance reported a 2x increase in sales for one territory alone
  • Mohawk Flooring reported a 50% increase in direct sales attributed to Local Ads

Participation in the Small Business Saturday program is easy, and there is no minimum advertising spend required. To get started, Promoboxx customers need a campaign that is focused on Small Business Saturday, associated advertising budget, and a list of eligible retailers. Promoboxx typically charges a 10% management fee on Local Ads, and is proud to waive that fee for participating customers.

Visit to take advantage of this offer and learn more about local advertising.

About Small Business Saturday
Small Business Saturday is an American shopping holiday that encourages shoppers to patronize local, brick-and-mortar businesses. This year, Small Business Saturday falls on Saturday, November 25, 2017.

About Promoboxx Local Ads
Promoboxx Local Ads is the only solution that helps brands extend their national advertising content, targeting, and media mix out to their local retail partners. With Local Ads, leading brands can allocate national budget to promote beautiful, inspiring content and campaigns at the local retail level. Local Ads connects and aligns brands with retailers in a way that helps win loyalty, mind share, and the battle for sell-through.

About Promoboxx
Promoboxx is the only brand-to-retailer commerce platform that connects and aligns national manufacturing brands with independent, specialty retailers to increase local awareness and sales. Founded in 2010 and headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, Promoboxx partners with leading brands, including Nissan, GE Appliances, New Balance, and The North Face, to transform the way retailers and brands market together at a local level. For more information, visit or call +1 (800) 380-7502 x3.

