State Legislators Get First Look at ResponsiveEd’s STEM Academy

Lewisville, Texas, Oct. 17, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Texas House Representative Ron Simmons serves District 65 which includes the portion of Lewisville where ResponsiveEd’s STEM Academy is located. He and fellow Representative Jim Murphy from District 133 along with State Senator Larry Taylor took a tour of the state-of-the-art public charter school on October 13. They got to see, first-hand, how ResponisveEd is using its state-dedicated dollars to provide a unique learning environment, complete with observation classrooms, collaborative project areas and virtual learning labs.   

The three legislators took time during the school tour to impart wisdom to a classroom of juniors and seniors.

Representative Simmons, who has been a supporter of ResponsiveEd and its expansion in his North Texas district said, “As you guys go on about your careers and as you solve the world’s problems, remember that this opportunity was given to and you should give back to society outside of where you go with your career.”

“We don't know what the future looks like, but you’re going to shape that future and that starts today. We’ve been to lots of schools and you’ve got something special, something really different here,” added Representative Murphy who, later in the day, received the Texas Charter School Association Charter Champion Award at the organization’s annual conference.

Senator Taylor, also named a Charter Champion, is an active charter school proponent and chairman of the senate committee on education added, “You guys are on the leading edge. You are learning in new ways and learning how to adapt so you can succeed no matter what.”

The STEM Academy is in Lewisville, Texas and is comprised of about 600 middle and high school students focused on science, technology, engineering and math with an emphasis on on classical values and moral education.

ResponsiveEd® is a non-profit corporation that operates more than 70 tuition-free public schools throughout Texas and Arkansas, including Premier High Schools℠, ResponsiveEd Classical Academies, Founders Classical Academies®, Quest Academies, iSchool High®, and iSchool Virtual Academy. ResponsiveEd’s mission is to provide hope to students through innovative, character-based,  personalized learning environments. To learn more, visit

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