Boston’s Newest Wealth Services Company Champions a Fresh, Simple and Joyful Approach

LEVATUS breaks the mold of traditional wealth management with ground-breaking transparency exemplified by a flat fee; a proprietary process that reduces complexity to improve outcomes; and an approach that prioritizes purpose and meaning.

Boston, MA, Oct. 18, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Susan E. Dahl, a 20-year veteran of the financial services industry, decided that she was through with the traditional, cookie-cutter approach to wealth management. She knew there was another way – one that delivered a more purposeful, transparent and joyful financial journey.

Dahl fortified experience with deep research before launching her new company. She studied and spoke with entrepreneurs who had launched disruptive businesses within entrenched industries, engaging in spirited discussions with entrepreneurs in industries from real estate and technology to bioscience and philanthropy. Today, she and her team announced the launch of LEVATUS, a wealth services company on Newbury Street that breaks the mold of traditional wealth management.

The LEVATUS founding team has almost 100 years of combined experience. They are passionate about using this experience to pursue positive change, offering a simplified, direct approach to investing, while standing up for what matters most, their clients’ sense of well-being.

“Today’s investing solutions are not built for real people – the process does not consider individuals actually enjoying the journey of growing their wealth,” noted Dahl. “We believe that true success is achieved with a process that connects purpose and meaning with value and investing. That philosophy is at the heart of LEVATUS.”

LEVATUS (Latin) means to raise up, uplift and elevate with joy. The focus of the last two letters “US” denotes the close partnership the LEVATUS team has with its clients and the logo consists of bright orange and yellow intertwining pieces about to take flight.

One of Dahl’s goals is to help people truly understand their risk tolerance. While risk tolerance is a typical question that most financial advisors ask their clients, there is little thought on how to interpret those results.

Ironically, earlier this month, an article in The Wall Street Journal’s report on Wealth Management pointed out that the actual questions advisers ask their clients to determine risk, combine too many disparate concepts including regret, fear and overconfidence. Those answers are then lumped into one big concept called “risk”.

Dahl agrees that it’s impossible to begin to build a risk-appropriate portfolio based on a client’s response to imprecise questions. She explains, “The reason you can’t answer such questions consistently is because your thoughts, feelings and mood changes from day to day. The answers can vary dramatically based on what happened at work, whether you just won a bet or how well you feel on a particular day.” “This is really important because clients’ answers to this question have historically formed the foundation of how much risk is taken in their portfolio.”

The triggers of human anxiety are well-known and have been widely studied in fields outside of finance. Inappropriate risk exposure is one of those triggers. Yet little has been done to incorporate this science into the processes of wealth management. We know that reports remain complex, complexity creates anxiety, asset classes are not well understood, the unknown creates anxiety, and meaning and purpose, which improve one’s sense of well-being, are almost non-existent in the evaluation process.

LEVATUS’ proprietary approach helps clients gain control. Their mission becomes clear. The steps forward are specific and direct. Some of the core LEVATUS deliverables include:

  • A Flat Fee – Groundbreaking transparency, disrupting the traditional formula of percentage of assets under management or percentage of return structures.
  • Straightforward and Understandable Strategy – Portfolio investment roles are specific and uncomplicated; approach to wealth strategies actively weighs the costs of complexity.
  • Client Impact Statements -  Uncomplicated and consolidated reporting which tells clients what they want to know, in one page.

“It’s time for a new approach to investing, Dahl said. “Complex diversification strategies are proving negative to investors. The goal of LEVATUS is to create investment processes that structure portfolios to succeed and to reduce anxiety, not create it.”

LEVATUS LLC is a registered investment advisor. For more information, visit


Before launching LEVATUS, Susan E. Dahl’s distinguished career included more than 20 years in the financial services industry. She is highly-respected in the financial community for her process-driven approach and investment track record. She has served in roles from Head of Fixed Income and Currency Trading to Chief Investment Officer and is no stranger to disrupting the status quo. Throughout her career she has advocated for and implemented ideas like alternative work arrangements such as job sharing, to enhance balance, performance, client satisfaction and business growth. Susan’s passion for community involvement is strongly reflected in the LEVATUS  culture.


A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

Susan E. Dahl, Founder, LEVATUS
