Veterinarians see the value of medical insurance firsthand with their own pets

Seattle, Nov. 21, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --

As medical insurance for pets continues to rise in popularity among pet owners, veterinarians and their staff are also seeing the value in the treatment and care of their own pets’ maladies. After all, the most common conditions among pets affect veterinarian’s pets, too, and those illnesses and injuries can be hard to budget for.

Veterinary care is not free

When a veterinarian’s pet gets sick, they may have the expertise to help remedy the issue, but they still have to manage the costs of medications, supplies, equipment, specialists, and support staff to treat their pet. “A lot of people think being a veterinarian means you get free veterinary care,” said Dr. John F., DVM in Austin, Texas. “The reality is that nothing is inherently free.”

When Dr. F. started researching insurance for his Border Collie, Gage, he had his finances in mind. “As a veterinarian, I would want to do whatever I needed to do for him, and therefore pet insurance may be a good way for me to guard against the potential costs.” He decided Trupanion was the best option and enrolled Gage.

Gage ingested something from the trash less than a year later, and Dr. F was glad he had the coverage. “I got some discounts along the way, but ultimately there were still many hard costs that accrued. Trupanion didn’t bat an eye about paying for the care and services he had.” Insurance covered over $1,000 of the veterinary costs.

The best care, no matter what

Sometimes, even with a doctorate in veterinary medicine, veterinarians don’t have the specialization to give their pets the best care. They’re faced with the same emotional and financial burdens of other pet owners. Insurance can provide financial support when they need it most. 

As a veterinarian, I understand sickness and disease; that’s what I’ve been trained to do. But no training could prepare me for the heart-crushing news I had to deliver to myself in February,” said Dr. Tyler S., DVM, in Kokomo, Indiana. He discovered the bump on the leg of Nestle, his Labrador Retriever, was cancer. Dr. S. consulted with a specialist to help give Nestle the best chance.

“My options were to amputate her leg, undergo over $7,000 in radiation therapy, or simply cross my fingers and enjoy whatever time I may have left with her. In an instant I was faced with the unbearable weight of financial uncertainty multiplied by the level of companionship her little brown eyes brought me over the years. The small piece of hope I had was Trupanion.”

Insurance covered over $6,000 toward Nestle’s treatment. “As I kissed her on her forehead and handed the leash to the radiation resident, my heart sunk as I saw her walking away from me, tail wagging, down that long hallway unaware of the gravity of the situation. All I could do was think, ‘thank you Trupanion for making her treatment possible.’”

About Trupanion

Trupanion is a leader in medical insurance for cats and dogs throughout the United States and Canada. For almost two decades, Trupanion has given pet owners peace of mind so they can focus on their pet's recovery, not financial stress. Trupanion is committed to providing pet owners with the highest value in pet medical insurance. Trupanion is listed on NASDAQ under the symbol "TRUP". The company was founded in 2000 and is headquartered in Seattle, WA. Trupanion policies are issued, in the United States, by its wholly-owned insurance entity American Pet Insurance Company and, in Canada, by Omega General Insurance Company. For more information please visit

