About termination of participation in a subsidiary company

     Participation of JSC „Rīgas elektromašīnbūves rūpnīca” in the equity capital of the subsidiary company «RER-Termināls» Ltd, reg. Number 40203010535, had finished 19th of January 2018  after second participant «BSCT» Ltd additionally purchased 900 hares of «RER-Termināls» Ltd. and now «BSCT» Ltd holds 11400 shares of «RER-Termināls» Ltd, or 100%.


         Tamāra Rogova
         AS “Rīgas elektromašīnbūves rūpnīca” juriste
         Tel.: (+371) 61301847, (+371) 27001052
         E-pasts: tamara.rogova@rer.lv

Profil de l'entrepriseRigas elektromašinbuves rupnicaIndustrie: Industrial Goods & Services