Vienna Cyber Security Week 2018: International cyber security scene meets in Vienna

Representatives from international authorities around the world met with leaders from industry and research in Austria's capital at this year's Vienna Cyber Security Week 2018 (VCSW), a multi-stakeholder conference attracting participants of the highest calibre. After the event's successful premiere last year, high-level participants came together once again to discuss the protection of critical digital infrastructures in the face of new crime & terrorism threat scenarios.

Vienna (OTS) - The second Vienna Cyber Security Week (VCSW) held from 29 January to 2 February 2018 brought together representatives from public authorities, governments and organisations, including the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), the International Atomic Energy Authority (IAEA) and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) for an international dialogue on the security of critical digital infrastructures. More than 300 high-level participants from 41 countries accepted the invitation and came to Vienna to engage in international dialogue on cyber security issues related to the energy sector. A total of 90 expert presentations and discussion groups as well as a technology exhibition and trainings provided the framework for examining how to protect our critical digital infrastructures from new crime & terrorism threat scenarios against critical energy infrastructure including security for smart cities.

After the successful launch of the VCSW last year, this international dialogue platform has again succeeded in positioning Vienna as a global centre for energy security and the cyber threat. This year the conference was organized again in a joint effort between AIT Austrian Institute of Technology and the Energypact Foundation, which works to raise global awareness of cyber security. VCSW 2018 was supported by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs (BMEIA), the Ministry of Defence (BMLV), the Ministry of Internal Affairs (BM.I), the Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology (bmvit), as well as the Austrian Government's Cybersecurity Platform (CSP), together with the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology as the scientific partner.

International experts from the public and private sectors in over three dozen countries and from international authorities discussed the challenges and opportunities created by digitalising critical infrastructures, and the need for global cooperation.

Thomas Stubbings, chairman of CSP: "The broad coverage of topics ranging from cyber diplomacy to research & innovation distributed over five days plus the high quality and diversity of speakers makes the Vienna Cyber Security Week unique. It is great to see that Vienna develops into a Cyber Security Hotspot with international significance and I am very pleased that the Cyber Security Platform of the Austrian Government can contribute as a co-organizer to this valuable event. I am already looking forward to the 2019 event!"

Alexandre Dimitrijevic, president of Energypact Foundation: "We are genuinely pleased and honoured to have held such a successful second edition of Vienna Cyber Security Week and thank our co-organizers and attendees of the event. The strong level of participation by leading experts and exceptional discussion further confirms the need for such forums to engage the international energy community in raising the global awareness and promoting confidence building with regards to energy security and the cyber threat. The Vienna Cyber Security Week has quickly become a fixture for international dialogue and information exchange. Planning has already commenced for a continuity of activities including Vienna Cyber Security Week 2019."

Helmut Leopold, Head of Center for Digital Safety & Security, AIT: "An intensive dialogue between research, industry and public authorities is essential for establishing a high cyber security protection and to effectively counter future global cyber threats."

This pioneering international multi-stakeholder conference has allowed Austria to strengthen its position as a high-tech cybersecurity location on the international scene.


Michael Mürling
Marketing and Communications
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
Center for Digital Safety & Security
T +43 50550-4126  |  M +43 664 2351747  |

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