Phoenix, ATL: Cloaked in Modernity and Forward Progression

Atlanta GA, Feb. 14, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- On February 1st, Phoenix, ATL’s Director of Operations CJ Young announced the company’s seventh national expansion to Ft. Collins, Colorado. The new location marks Phoenix’s first step toward western expansion.

Partnering with Young in Colorado is former Navy Petty Officer Second Class, Deon Gamble. Gamble served as both an active duty member and a reservist during his enlistment, stationed in several locations across the United States including California, Illinois and Atlanta, as well as traveling to Korea for a short stint.

“The Navy taught me a lot about brotherhood, leadership and believe it or not, business,” says Gable. “Some people are born with intuitive survival instincts. Others can be taught. Business works in much of the same way, and fortunately Phoenix, ATL has paved the way for future growth through their proven training initiative. I plan to implement the same initiative in Ft. Collins.”

The proven method adopted and perfected by Phoenix, ATL has assisted the company in reaching their vast and ever fluid expansion goals.

CJ explains, “I found Phoenix on the belief that every individual, regardless of the abundance or lack of post graduate education, should have the opportunity to control their own destiny. Our entire business model, including our client’s steepest goals, revolve around individual internal growth, progressive leadership and adaptability.”

In a world consumed by marketing, business and sales offices, Forbes published an opinion editorial February 1st stating, “Over 50% of sales managers are too busy to train their sales teams.” The editorial went on to list ’10 unconventional but effective ways to train your staff’.

In response to the article CJ smiles stating, “Well that makes complete sense. We are completely hands on with 100% of our associates and our results speak for themselves.”

In fact, each of the most effective ways outlined in the opinion piece are cornerstones to Phoenix’s approach, including; letting the team lead, peer-led learning circles, and mentor/mentee training.

“The most effective way to grow,” says CJ, “Is by giving your associates a voice. When they feel empowered, they make powerful decisions, which leads to a pattern of upward corporate growth.”

Phoenix continues to cloak themselves in modernity and forward progression, seemingly always at the forefront of the national spot light. The already vast, and ever growing firm is sure to shatter new national records in upcoming quarters.


