Press Release: ABN AMRO publishes Integrated Annual Review 2017 and Annual Report 2017

ABN AMRO publishes Integrated Annual Review 2017 and Annual Report 2017: a new approach to its corporate reporting

Today, ABN AMRO published its 2017 Integrated Annual Review, the Annual Report of ABN AMRO Group N.V. and ABN AMRO Bank N.V. and additional disclosures. The bank has innovated its reporting approach this year. In the Integrated Annual Review, the reader is offered a concise view of the bank's environment, its strategy, the results achieved in 2017 and the way ABN AMRO creates value for its stakeholders.

Kees van Dijkhuizen, CEO of ABN AMRO: 'The year 2017 was a good one. Solid financial results, rising client satisfaction scores, appealing innovations, and appreciation for our sustainability initiatives in the Netherlands and beyond all reflect the bank's success.'

The Integrated Annual Review describes the themes that are central to achieving our long- and medium-term strategy and the group's ability to create value over time. To achieve this, the bank used the International Integrated Reporting Framework to describe its activities and achievements during 2017. ABN AMRO's independent auditor EY has performed a limited assurance engagement on the Integrated Annual Review.

The Annual Report of the Group and Bank and the Annual Financial Statements provide information about the bank's financial and non-financial performance in compliance with regulatory requirements. In addition, ABN AMRO has published a separate Pillar 3 disclosure along with the annual reports.

The Integrated Annual Review, the Annual Report and supplements are available on the ABN AMRO website.

ABN AMRO has decided to reschedule the publication of its Q1 2018 results to 14 May 2018 in anticipation of the first time adoption of IFRS9, the new accounting rule for loan impairments. 


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20180305 ABN AMRO publishes Annual Review and Annual Report 2017