Exterro Launches E-Discovery Social Networking Platform

Portland, OR, March 30, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Exterro, Inc. is proud to announce that it is launching a new module in its industry-leading E-Discovery Data Management software platform. The technology, E-Discovery Smart Match™, scheduled for release on April 1, 2018, uses the vast array of information stored in Exterro clients’ data warehouses to suggest appropriate romantic matches with other e-discovery professionals in its growing network of users.

“It was a natural extension of our award-winning platform for information governance, legal hold, e-discovery, compliance and risk management,” explains Bill Piwonka, Exterro’s CMO. “With the wealth of data available to our machine learning algorithms, as well as our integrations with email archives and HR applications, it made sense to address our users’ other needs, and really, what is more fundamental than the need to be loved?”

Similar Exterro’s other machine learning applications, advanced users can choose to tweak settings to improve search recall or precision, targeting a wide range of potentially relevant matches or choosing instead to focus on those with the highest likelihood of being responsive to their romantic e-discovery parameters.

As with all of its technology offerings, Exterro E-Discovery Smart Match™ runs on secure Amazon Web Services servers. “While the algorithm searches for user matches across all of our clients’ instances, clients can rest assured that their data is secure and not commingled with that of other clients,” explains Exterro’s Product Security Officer Nathanael Westhover, “although of course we do hope that our clients’ users bases do begin to commingle in social settings.”

In keeping with Exterro’s commitment to workflow-driven model for software development, Smart Match™ leverages the phases of the EDRM to foster deepening relationships with their matches. “Users can search for matches based on keywords and other relevant criteria, including location, job title, and responses on key e-discovery topics that predict compatibility like, ‘Do you prefer TAR or human document review? Do you prefer a platform approach to e-discovery or point tools?’” Piwonka continues. “Once they find a match, they initiate the process by placing a ‘legal hold on the heart’ of their desired match, who then has up to ten (10) business days to comply by providing potentially relevant data including times for a Rule 26 ‘meet and confer’ at a suitably romantic location.”

“We’re very optimistic that our user base will be excited by this new product module. Everyone knows e-discovery professionals are extremely hard-working and may not have the free time to dedicate to cultivating personal relationships that hot-shot litigators have,” Piwonka says. “This data-driven approach to dating takes advantage of workflows and technology our user base is already familiar with and leverages them to deliver personal, not just professional, fulfillment.”

Find out more on the Exterro Smart Match product page.

About Exterro

Exterro®, Inc. is the preferred provider of software specifically designed for in-house legal and IT teams at Global 2000 and AmLaw 200 organizations. Founded with the simple vision that applying the concepts of process optimization and data science to the way companies respond to litigation would drive more successful outcomes at a lower cost, Exterro has been positioned as a Leader in the last three years of Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for E-Discovery Software. Built on an open architecture platform, Exterro's e-discovery and information governance software integrates with existing IT, HR and legal systems to deliver complete visibility into all critical data required for managing information assets more efficiently.

