New Study Shows Dietary Changes May Reduce Risk of Depression, Allsup Reports

Findings illustrate multiple factors influence depression, which Allsup explains is a work-disrupting condition for many former workers who apply for disability benefits

Belleville, Illinois, April 27, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- A new study conducted by Rush University Medical Center in Chicago evaluates the impact of the DASH diet on rates of depression among adults, finding a lower incidence of depression. Mood disorders, including depression, are among the top 5 diagnostic categories for former workers receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), according to Allsup, the nation’s premier disability representation company. The study places an emphasis on understanding depression among older adults, as well.


“The average age of disability insurance recipients is 54, and older workers are proportionally more likely than younger workers to apply for disability benefits following a disruptive, severe health condition,” said Mike Stein, Allsup vice president. “Depression is one of those health conditions affecting a large number of U.S. workers.”


While mood disorders are some of the most common conditions cited by those applying for Social Security disability benefits, they’re also more treatable over the long-term.


“Former workers may experience a severe mental health condition like depression that takes them out of the workforce for 1-2 years, or longer,” Stein explained. But it’s possible for individuals to see their health conditions stabilize and become medically able to return to work. According to the Social Security Administration’s annual report, in 2016, 9,701 people with mood disorders successfully went back to work.


The study tracked depressive symptoms in 964 older adults over the course of six and a half years. Known as DASH, the “Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension” focuses on whole grains, fruits and vegetables while largely avoiding salt and sugar.


Former workers who have stopped working due to depression can learn about their eligibility for SSDI with Allsup. With its online tool, empower by Allsup®, individuals can receive a 15-minute online SSDI eligibility assessment, help as they apply for disability benefits, and return-to-work guidance for those who may medically recover. The tool is accessible by desktop, tablet or mobile devices. At the application level, Allsup has a 50 percent higher success rate than the national average.


To learn more or apply for disability benefits, visit To learn about returning to work, visit


Allsup and its subsidiaries provide nationwide Social Security disability, veterans disability appeal, return to work, exchange plan and Medicare services for individuals, their employers and insurance carriers. Allsup professionals deliver specialized services supporting people with disabilities and seniors so they may lead lives that are as financially secure and as healthy as possible. Founded in 1984, the company is based in Belleville, Illinois, near St. Louis. Learn more at and @Allsup.


