Fragrance Creators Association Debuts on Capitol Hill

IFRANA announces new name, branding, and first-ever Fragrance Caucus during meetings with Congressional Leaders

Washington, DC, May 09, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The International Fragrance Association North America announced its new name—Fragrance Creators Association—and new branding that better captures the organization during meetings today with key leaders on Capitol Hill.  The association’s updated brand identity was borne out of the belief that values matter and that fragrance has the power—beyond all frontiers and cultures—to enhance lives.  The new logo evokes the creative, collaborative, and humanistic spirit of the industry and Fragrance Creators member companies, who are responsible for the vast majority of fragrances sold in North America and many of the scented products sold worldwide.

As the voice of the industry, Fragrance Creators represents members who are committed to safety, inclusiveness, and sharing science-backed information about fragrance for the betterment of all.  The organization is fueled by its passion to educate everyone on the benefits of scent and how fragrances inspire and bring comfort, make us feel confident and unique, and remind us of all of the moments that make life special.

“We represent and support the scientists, perfumers, researchers, farmers, artists, inventors, entrepreneurs, and the many others, who make up the fragrance community,” said Fragrance Creators President & CEO Farah K. Ahmed.  “These individuals not only spend years crafting beautiful scents that enhance lives, but they are also unwavering in their commitment to practices that leave the environment in better condition than they found it.”

Fragrance Creators also announced the first-ever Congressional Fragrance Caucus, which offers a bipartisan opportunity for fragrance industry leaders to interface with legislators to learn and engage on a range of topics, including fragrance science, safety, sustainability, economic impact, and more. Fragrance Creators recognized founding Caucus Chairs, Representatives Barry Loudermilk (R-GA) and Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-NJ), during the inaugural Fragrance Creators Legislators of the Year Awards Reception, held May 8, 2018, on Capitol Hill.

"The Fragrance Caucus represents a significant evolution in our results-producing advocacy, which prioritizes sound science and consumer safety and protection,” said Ahmed.   “The Caucus presents greater access and opportunity for Fragrance Creators to share and promote how fragrances enhance the lives of millions of people every single day.”

The organization’s brand rollout also included a redesigned website ( and revamped social media platforms, where it seeks to listen and engage with everyone—from key influencers to curious individuals—about what fragrance is and how scent positively impacts our memories, relationships, well-being—and our lives.


Fragrance Creators Association is the principal trade association representing the U.S. fragrance industry.  The organization’s member companies create and manufacture fragrances and scents for home care, personal care, home design, fine fragrance, and industrial and institutional products. Fragrance Creators also represents companies that market finished products containing fragrance as well as those that supply fragrance ingredients, including natural extracts and other raw materials that are used in perfumery and fragrance mixtures.  Fragrance Creators produces Fragrance Notes, the quarterly publication of record for the fragrance industry, available in print and online at Learn more about Fragrance Creators at

