NCCER Announces the Fourth Annual I Built This! Video Contest

ALACHUA, Fla., May 16, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NCCER and Build Your Future (BYF) are excited to announce the fourth annual I Built This! video contest with updated categories and even bigger rewards, including $5,000 in prizes. Designed to help promote construction as an industry of choice, the contest illustrates the unique perspective of trainees or students and allows them to share videos of their projects. High schools and technical schools are able to gain attention for their programs and help shine a light on careers in construction.

Students, trainees and instructors from secondary or postsecondary programs are eligible to submit videos and the contest is open now through October 1, 2018. With a total of five prizes, categories include winners for individual and group from both secondary and postsecondary programs and, completely new in 2018, People’s Choice, which gives the public the chance to vote on their favorite. For more details and contest rules, check out

We encourage submissions from all types of construction and maintenance crafts and invite instructors, students and trainees to take this opportunity to show off their skills. Previous winners include entries from a variety of programs: ABC of Metro Washington Apprenticeship Program; Carroll County Career and Technology Center; Dr. Kirk Lewis Career and Technical High School; and Southern Air Apprenticeship Program. Visit for inspiration and submit your video today!

About NCCER — NCCER is a not-for-profit 501 (c)(3) education foundation created by the construction industry to develop standardized curriculum with portable credentials and to help address the skilled, construction workforce shortage. NCCER is recognized by the industry as the training, assessment, certification and career development standard for the construction and maintenance craft professional. For more information, visit or contact NCCER customer service at 888.622.3720.
About Build Your Future – Build Your Future (BYF) is NCCER’s national image enhancement and recruitment initiative for the construction industry. Its mission is to recruit the next generation of craft professionals by making career and technical education a priority in secondary schools, shifting negative public perception about careers in the construction industry and providing a path from ambition, to training, to job placement as a craft professional. BYF provides a number of resources to assist industry, education and military organizations in achieving these goals. For more information, visit



