CCPPP Welcomes Inaugural President and CEO of the Canada Infrastructure Bank

Toronto, May 24, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Canadian Council for Public-Private Partnerships (CCPPP) welcomes the federal government’s appointment of Pierre Lavallée as the inaugural President and CEO of the Canada Infrastructure Bank. The appointment of Mr. Lavallée is a critical step in further operationalizing the Bank and moving large, complex infrastructure projects to market.

The Canada Infrastructure Bank will play an important role in attracting private sector investment and expertise to projects with a revenue stream. Private sector involvement will not only free up federal funds to invest in other priority projects, but will also transfer appropriate risk to the private sector to ensure better project outcomes for Canadians. The public-private partnership (P3) model will likely be well suited to a number of the projects that are evaluated by the Bank. Canada has a rich history of success in P3s and is viewed globally as having a world-class approach to infrastructure delivery.

CCPPP looks forward to working with Mr. Lavallée and sharing best practices and experiences as the Canada Infrastructure Bank puts in place new frameworks and moves toward project approvals. The Bank is a central plank of the government’s infrastructure strategy and we are confident that Mr. Lavallée brings the experience in combination with that of the Board of Directors to ensure the Bank’s success.

About the Canadian Council for Public-Private Partnerships: Established in 1993, CCPPP is a national not-for-profit non-partisan, member-based organization with broad representation from across the public and private sectors. Its mission is to promote smart, innovative and modern approaches to infrastructure development and service delivery with all levels of government.

