CCPPP Congratulates Premier-Designate Doug Ford

Toronto, June 08, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Canadian Council for Public-Private Partnerships (CCPPP) congratulates Premier-Designate Doug Ford and the Progressive Conservatives on their election victory in Ontario.

“The Progressive Conservatives ran on a platform of infrastructure investment, including incremental funding for subways, regional transit, and broadband. The incoming government is also focused on ensuring value for money on these investments, which make public-private partnerships (P3) a natural fit to help the Premier deliver on his ambitious agenda,” stated Mark Romoff, President and CEO.

Ontario is recognized as a world leader in the procurement and delivery of infrastructure. Infrastructure Ontario has played a significant role in that success and its procurement model and track record have become a global standard.

The P3 sector in Ontario has now participated in 152 projects with a value of over $76 billion for those that are already in operation or have begun construction. This activity supports tens of thousands of jobs in the province each year, makes an enormous contribution to the GDP, and has saved Ontario taxpayers billions. Participants in this sector have created specialized expertise that will be invaluable to the incoming government.

“CCPPP has nearly 200 members based in Ontario and looks forward to working with the new government to tackle the province’s infrastructure challenges. The combination of experience and expertise of the private and public sectors across the province will ensure the continued deliver of high quality infrastructure on time, on budget, with full value for money to the taxpayer,” added Romoff.

The Council looks forward to working with the new government to help grow a prosperous, productive and globally competitive Ontario.

Our mission is to collaborate with all levels of government and indigenous communities to enable smart, innovative approaches to public infrastructure development and service delivery to achieve the best outcomes for Canadians.

