Electric Drive Transportation Association to host “Building the Modern Grid with E-Mobility” this Wednesday, June 13

Latest installment of EDTA's Leader Series at National Press Club

Washington, DC, June 11, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Who: The forum will bring together electric vehicle industry leaders, policymakers and journalists covering transportation, energy, the environment and policies that impact the EV value chain.

What: This is the latest installment in EDTA's Leader Series exploring topics related to the electrification of transportation. See below program.Why: Participants will explore how electric transportation will shape the grid of the future.

Where: National Press Club - 529 14th Street NW - Washington, DC 20045

When: Wednesday, June 13, 2018 - 1 to 4 PM Eastern

Event Program:

  • Opening Remarks - Rob Stewart – Manager of Smart Grid & Technology, Pepco Holdings and Chairman, EDTA
  • Keynote - Michael Picker – President, California Public Utilities Commission
  • Panel: Utility Strategies for E-Mobility
    • Moderator: Genevieve Cullen – President, EDTA
    • Panelists:
      • Becky Knox – Director of Retail & Consumer Policy, Retail Energy Services, Edison Electric Institute
      • David Sawaya – Director of Clean Transportation, Pacific Gas & Electric
      • Claire Dooley – Director of Product Analytics, Greenlots
  •  Networking Break
  •  Panel: New Market Agents Helping to Integrate Mobility into the Grid
    • Moderator: Michael Britt – VP Energy Innovation Center, Southern Company
    • Panelists:
      • Sara Rafalson – Director of Market Development, EVgo
      • Corey Ershow – Transportation Policy Manager, Lyft
      • Ben Grumbles – Secretary of the Environment, State of Maryland
      • Gary Rackliffe – Vice President of Smart Grids, ABB
  • Speaker - Michael Pesin – Deputy Assistant Secretary for Advanced Grid Research and Development, U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability
  • Closing Remarks - Genevieve Cullen – President, EDTA

Attendees: Register at https://leaderseriesjune2018.eventbrite.com

Media: Contact EDTA to obtain media credentials and National Press Club guest access code.

