DCHFA Closes Homeownership Month with Launch of a New Mission, Statement of Values, Logo and Website

Washington, DC, June 25, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As the June Housing Bloom (National Homeownership month) comes to a close the District of Columbia Housing Finance Agency launches a new mission statement, agency values, logo, website and expands it social media activity to Instagram.  “The DCHFA’s focus has become providing innovative financing solutions in affordable housing.  The Agency has expanded existing programs, developed new programs outside of DCHFA’s traditional role and increased its community service activity.  As a result the senior staff and I developed a new mission statement and a set of agency values along with a new logo and seal to reflect our current focus and activities,” stated Todd A. Lee, DCHFA, Executive Director and CEO.  

DCHFA Mission Statement:

To advance the District of Columbia’s housing priorities, the agency invests in affordable housing and neighborhood development which provides pathways for DC residents to transform their lives. We achieve this by delivering the most efficient and effective sources of capital available in the market to finance rental housing and to create homeownership opportunities.


DCHFA’s Values: 


  • Leadership
  • Excellence
  • Community Focus
  • Integrity
  • Collaboration
  • Innovation


The new DCHFA.org enhances the experience of all visitors by streamlining content, ensuring the viewing is compatible for mobile devices and, with the click of a button, translating the content to Spanish. In order to further enhance its social media presence and share information on its programs DCHFA has expanded its social medial activity to Instagram (@DCHFA).



