ThriftBooks Celebrates 15 Years

ReadingRewards Members Share in Celebration

Seattle, WA, July 23, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- SEATTLE – July 23, 2018 –ThriftBooks, the world’s largest online bookseller, is celebrating its 15th Anniversary, and has a special offer for all ReadingRewards members for the occasion.


In recognition of their 15th year, ThriftBooks is offering all its Reading Reward members 15 points for every $1 spent from July 23 – July 31. This accelerates the earning of points toward a FREE BOOK, one of the benefits of the enhanced program.


ThriftBooks was started in 2003 by two entrepreneurs. They wrote the first version of the software to list and price books on In 2004, ThriftBooks graduated from a storage unit to a warehouse on Mercer Street in downtown Seattle that was capable of holding 200,000 books. Two years later, ThriftBooks moved into a larger warehouse in Auburn, WA that was capable of holding one million books.


In 2006, ThriftBooks began selling directly to customers on, and in 2017 added a mobile app experience for iOS and Android. ThriftBooks now sells internationally, including an expansion in 2018 to India.


Consistent with their purpose to empower people through reading while protecting the environment, ThriftBooks has sold more than 100 million books over its 15 year history and recycles millions of pounds of books every year. In addition, over the last decade ThriftBooks provided more than $100 million to charity partners through its purchase of reading materials and has expanded to support an underserved community in Corrections.


Mike Ward, CEO of ThriftBooks said, “15 years - it has been an amazing journey and I’m thankful to have been a part of it. To have grown into the world leader in online used books exceeds even the loftiest goals we imagined at the beginning. We couldn’t have done it without our remarkable team and reader community. Thank you! I’m excited to see what the next 15 years will bring.”

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About ThriftBooks

Based in Seattle, WA, ThriftBooks is the largest online seller of used books in the world, having sold more than 100 million books since its inception. Founded in 2003 and backed by KCB Management, ThriftBooks operates 8 fulfillment centers in the US that purchase, grade, and distribute used and collectible books. ThriftBooks relies on proprietary software to identify and list books, as well as a sophisticated pricing model that dynamically prices books across a variety of online platforms, including,, eBay, and others.



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