Hillard Heintze Partners with Dynamis to Support Amtrak’s RAILSAFE Partner Training Program

Chicago, Ill., July 26, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Dynamis, and its partners Hillard Heintze and K2Share, has been awarded a one-year contract to support AMTRAK’s RAILSAFE Partner Training Program. Amtrak serves more than 500 communities in 46 states, carrying well over 30 million travelers a year. Securing the footprint of Amtrak across the nation requires the frequent need to rely on partner law enforcement agencies. To enhance the capability and interoperability of associate law enforcement agencies, Amtrak and TSA partnered to create the Regional Alliance Including Local, State and Federal Efforts (RAILSAFE) to deter terrorist activity through unpredictable security activities.

RAILSAFE serves as a unifying training and exercise program to pull together over 200 separate agencies to create a cohesive counterterrorist capability to protect the nation’s rail network and passengers. Dynamis, with its deep understanding of both the threat and the needs of Amtrak and other corporate leaders, Amtrak’s Police Department, and state and local responders, will support RAILSAFE through curriculum development, training and exercise execution, and subject matter expertise to provide focused, up-to-date training through AMTRAK’s variety of delivery mechanisms, from web-based to in-person instruction.


About Hillard Heintze

Hillard Heintze is one of the leading security risk management firms in the world. We are trusted around the globe to deliver innovative, prevention-oriented advisory solutions that help our clients improve performance and outcomes in protecting what matters: their people, performance, interests and reputation. Since our inception in 2004, more than 85 Fortune-ranked enterprises, 500 U.S. and international brands, and 150 of the world’s most affluent families have gained insight, assurance and confidence through our services – and are better managing security risk. Based in the United States with corporate headquarters in Chicago, we support clients across the globe through five practices: Security Risk Management, Threat & Violence Risk Management, Private Client and Family Office Services, Investigations and Law Enforcement Consulting. For more information, visit www.hillardheintze.com.

