Lumina Networks Introduces PacketCable™ Multimedia Support

The CableLabs-developed interface software enables MSOs to support Quality of Service (QoS) using Lumina’s open source controller Powered by OpenDaylight™

KEYSTONE, Colorado, Aug. 06, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CableLabs Summer Conference — Today Lumina Networks announced support for the open source PacketCable multimedia interface (PCMM) developed for OpenDaylight. Lumina will be discussing the technology with multiple system operators (MSOs) at this week’s CableLabs Summer Conference.

Lumina Networks is productizing the open source project that has been developed at CableLabs over the last several years. The tested, documented and supported interface enables MSOs to confidently roll PCMM into production. While many vendor products have supported the PCMM interface specification, this is the first commercialized edition of the community project. Lumina sees this as a stepping stone to broadening PCMM support within the MSO market.

Using the PCMM protocol from Lumina’s SDN controller, MSOs will be able to manage QoS for services such as voice over IP (VoIP). In addition to controlling QoS parameters in the cable modem termination system (CMTS), PCMM provides resource auditing and management and a robust security mechanism. Lumina’s SDN Controller provides an open source-based platform using a PCMM plugin and allows MSOs to deploy SDN without vendor lock in.

Andrew Coward, CEO of Lumina Networks explained, “Support of PacketCable QoS from an industry proven platform, such as the Lumina SDN Controller, further extends the benefits we can provide to the MSO market. Lumina now has the ability to help MSOs move SDN technology from the lab into production.”

“We are always pleased to see growing use of important CableLabs specifications such as the PacketCable Multi-Media protocol. We see our specifications as helping operators and vendors alike to enhance existing services and offer new services for their customers,” said Carmela Stuart, Director at CableLabs.

About Lumina Networks
Lumina Networks believes the future is open software networks where service providers are in control of their development. Lumina is the catalyst that brings open software networking out of the lab and into the live network. We develop open source platforms and provide NetDev Services to jointly deliver production systems and to transfer know-how in Agile Software Development methods. 

About CableLabs
CableLabs is a non-profit innovation and R&D lab founded in 1988 by members of the cable television industry. The company develops technologies and specifications for the secure delivery of high speed data, video, voice and next generation services, and provides testing, certification facilities and technical leadership for the industry. Dating back to the launch of HFC in 1992 to the start of DOCSIS® in 1994, facilitating the MPEG standard and its work in coherent optics and wireless, CableLabs continues to build secure networks and technologies that have become the bedrock for the entire industry. The goal is to create a future that is more useful, more connected and more global, by repeatedly pushing the forefront of innovation, transforming concepts and impossibilities into practical and adoptable everyday uses.

PacketCable and CableLabs are trademarks of Cable Television Laboratories, Inc.

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