Statement from Dr. Scott Noren: U.S. Senate candidate Dr. Scott Noren points out sexual harassment ‘cherry picking’ by Senator Gillibrand

Ithaca, NY , Sept. 21, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- U.S. Senate candidate (NY) Dr. Scott Noren feels that Senator Kirsten Gillibrand ‘cherry picks’ sexual harassment allegations when politically expedient.

Dr. Noren is definitely not a ‘fan’ of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh; but that does not mean that it is right to select out which active office holders or nominees for office should be investigated by the FBI. In this case, says Dr. Noren, “this happened 36 years ago and gives the appearance of political motivation for bringing up charges right before a confirmation hearing”. What is actually even more significant is the statement made by Senator Gillibrand in an interview with CNN’s Situation Room ( She states that “ there are corroborating witnesses here..there was a witness to the actual event”. Dr. Noren points out that in the Congressman Keith Ellison allegation by his ex-girlfriend Karen Monahan, there was also a corroborating witness in her son, but Senator Gillibrand neither mentions this, nor calls for an FBI investigation into this account. ( Dr. Noren says this cherry picking of sexual assault/harassment or abuse claims has been the track record of Senator Gillibrand. It is also the hands-off approach by the Democratic Party on Ellison, who has the #2 position in the Party nationally.  

Of additional note was the Al Franken case. Several years ago, Senator Gillibrand, on re-election cycle, traveled the State of New York selling her ‘Upstate Works Act’ to businesses telling them about how it would free up capital and do amazing things for upstate New York businesses. The bill never made it out of committee. It received a co-sponsorship by Senator Franken and also Senator Charles Schumer, her senior. Senator Franken pulled his co-sponsorship and when Dr. Noren called a Senate support office asking if this was common, he was told it was very uncommon ( Dr. Noren has felt that this was a factor in Senator Gillibrand ‘throwing Senator Franken under the bus’ in regards to the sexual misconduct allegations of Senator Franken.

Dr. Noren says this is nothing new and has been the norm for Senator Gillibrand; to use people for her own gain and then if politically advantageous in her view, throw them under the bus. In January of this year, The Daily Beast summarized how she did this to Al Franken and President Bill Clinton ( Dr. Noren says the public needs to see this as a trust issues in a much broader sense. The flips on issues like gun control, internet neutrality and other issues she has flipped on show a chameleon nature to her political brand.

For information on Dr. Scott Noren’s platform on student loan interest reform and other issues, go to Dr. Noren is traveling NY State and has TV ads scheduled. He also has a major Billboard coming to Albany throughout the month of October in a high-profile spot.


Dr. Scott Noren
