Streetwise Reports Examines a Cannabis Company that Has Better Numbers than Tilray at 1/25th the Price

SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 25, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Tilray's wild fluctuations have grabbed the headlines the past few days, but Fincom Investment Partners profiles a rapidly emerging player in the cannabis realm that the firm believes has much more to offer.

Company mentioned: CV Sciences Inc. (CVSI:OTCQB) 

San Diego-based CV Sciences Inc. is a rapidly emerging player and market leader in the cannabis realm—the exploding CBD (non-intoxicant) "cannabidiol" market. CV's early choice to first-focus in non-THC paid handsomely; plus CBD is now sold in nearly 2,000 U.S. retailers nationwide—a penetration level blowing away the cannabis companies. There's no reason CV can't add an intoxicant (THC) line at will, becoming a fully integrated supplier.

  • Y/Y sales up 200%; Run rate: $50 million.
  • Better numbers. Growth and value: Profitable; no debt.
  • CV sells for a fraction of the rest. Better U.S. sales.
  • Canada and U.S. are completely different markets.
  • NASDAQ uplisting imminent.

We preference CVSI for the relative, dirt-cheap valuation and imminent NASDAQ listing, but primarily because CV has better U.S. sales. We believe the Canadian cannabis sector peaked last January and the recent Tilray U.S. IPO indicates the action has now shifted to the U.S. We suspect the October 17 full Canadian legalization is baked into Canadian share prices, thus investors interested in exposure to hemp/cannabis should favor U.S.-based, high-margin, profitable, CV Sciences.

Continue reading this article: This Company Has Better Numbers than Tilray at 1/25th the Price 

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Frederick Lacy: I, or members of my immediate household or family, own shares of the following companies mentioned in this article: CV Sciences. I personally am, or members of my immediate household or family are, paid by the following companies mentioned in this article: None. My company currently has a financial relationship with the following companies mentioned in this article: None.

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