Couple shares wedding joy with children

Indianapolis, IN, Oct. 01, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --

Dinorah and Adam dreamed of a destination wedding in Mexico City. The happy couple from Canada wanted to share their joy by doing something special for kids in need. Inspired by Christel House Mexico’s mission of helping impoverished children overcome the cycle of poverty, Dinorah and Adam made a request of family and friends. Instead of wedding gifts, the bride and groom asked guests to support the children of Christel House. The wedding was wonderful – and had a generous impact. Over $12,000 in donations were raised for Christel House Mexico! The newlyweds shared warm advice for all Christel House students. “Seize the opportunity you’ve been given!”      

About Christel House International

The mission of Christel House is to transform the lives of impoverished children around the world—breaking the cycle of poverty and building self-sufficient, contributing members of society. A focus on academic excellence through a robust K–12 curriculum is combined with a strong character development program to give students the skills and competencies necessary to compete successfully in complex 21st Century society.

Much more than a school, Christel House was established in 1998 by Founder and CEO Christel DeHaan, and currently serves over 4,550 impoverished students through eight learning centers—located in India, Mexico, South Africa and the U.S.A. Christel House students maintain a 98% graduation exam pass rate, and the majority of its graduates go on to pursue higher education. They become productive citizens, and many secure employment with top multinational corporations. Christel House graduates are confident, hardworking, responsible and ethical, with a passion for giving back to their communities and caring for their families.

For more information, please visit www.christelhouse.org and follow us on social media: www.facebook.com/christelhouse; www.twitter.com/christelhouse



A :50 second video is available to share of this story here: “A Wedding Gift for the Children of Christel House Mexico” -  https://christelhouse.org/our-stories/363/a-wedding-gift-for-the-children-of-christel-house-mexico/  


An MP4 can be download here: https://christelhouse-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/admin_christelhouse_net/EvddPXDHiR1HvpbnlElE4mcBki0hOdq4aobIQkzvzayL0Q?e=XPi2uN



Some of the children of Christel House Mexico that received a generous wedding gift.
