Disney Conservation Fund Helps GreaterGood.org Protect the Magic of Nature

Tucson, Arizona, Oct. 24, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Project Wildcat, a Signature Program of GreaterGood.org, is the latest recipient of support from the Disney Conservation Fund (DCF) to continue expanding the program’s vast, protected wildlife corridor just north of the Northern Jaguar Reserve in Northern Sonora, Mexico, by introducing synchronized cattle breeding practices that benefit ranchers who sign agreements not to kill these endangered jaguars or other big cats for preying on cattle.

Additionally, this corridor allows jaguars freedom to roam, breed and reach the U.S. once again. Project Wildcat also brings environmental education programs to schools in this prime jaguar range to raise awareness about biodiversity, predator protection and our connection to nature. 

The fund has been supporting local efforts around the world aimed at saving wildlife, inspiring action and protecting the planet with more than $75 million distributed to nonprofit organizations since 1995. 

One story about a rancher named Duarte who signed the Project Wildcat no-kill agreement is a testament to its impact. In the past, Duarte felt he had no choice but to kill jaguars to protect the 60 cattle that support his family. Now, with the support of Project Wildcat, Duarte is proud to say he no longer kills jaguars to protect his cattle. “The cattle, they are my livelihood, my work… but I do not kill jaguars anymore,” he stated. Duarte sees the value in synchronized cattle breeding, as it has improved his bottom line significantly, in turn being able to better provide for his large family.

“We are honored to receive this generous two-year grant from Disney Conservation Fund to support our Project Wildcat program in Northern Sonora, Mexico. The funding will pay for, among many other things, synchronized cattle breeding infrastructure projects that will keep cattle safe from jaguars, so ranchers who have signed our agreements do not feel the need to harm jaguars in retaliation for conflict with livestock,” said Liz Baker, CEO of Greatergood.org. “The ranchers will continue to increase profits while the jaguars will continue to live free, breed and travel safely to the United States once again through our protected wildlife corridor.”

Recent DCF grant recipients were selected based on their efforts to implement comprehensive community wildlife conservation programs, stabilize and increase populations of at-risk animals and engage communities in conservation in critical ecosystems around the world.

For information on Disney’s commitment to conserve nature and a complete list of grant recipients, visit ww.disney.com/conservation.

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GreaterGood.org is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization that works to improve the health and well-being of people, pets, and the planet. The organization operates several Signature Programs to help animals, including Project Wildcat . To learn more, visit GreaterGood.org or follow us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram.




Project Wildcat, a Signature Program of GreaterGood.org, is the latest recipient of support from the Disney Conservation Fund (DCF) to continue expanding the program’s vast, protected wildlife corridor just north of the Northern Jaguar Reserve in Northern Sonora, Mexico, by introducing synchronized cattle breeding practices that benefit ranchers who sign agreements not to kill these endangered jaguars or other big cats for preying on cattle.
