Muscular Portfolios: Save your life savings from the coming bear

Successful dotcom entrepreneur Brian Livingston unveils book and free website, revealing Wall Street’s secrets and driving the cost of investment advice to zero

Seattle, WA, Oct. 31, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The high fees charged by Wall Street investment firms are the targets of Brian Livingston’s new book and free website called Muscular Portfolios. The book reveals simple formulas that outperform the S&P 500 and, according to the author, do not crash — even in the worst bear markets. Livingston’s deeply-researched approach leans on what experts call the Index Investing Revolution, and his website makes the new approach free of charge.

“More than 100 million households have a 401(k), IRA or similar tax-deferred plan,” says Livingston. “These people could lose half their life savings in the bear market that is coming. With 21st-century technology, we can show investors how to save themselves, easily and without paying fees.”

Muscular Portfolios use the latest findings in behavioral finance to combine today’s low-cost index funds in ways that are designed not to crash — with no market timing involved. The book addresses:

  • Lowering your risk to get market-like returns with only small losses
  • The secret buy-and-sell orders that Wall Street seldom reveals
  • How investors who work for corporations can fix”bad 401(k)s”
  • How to use “Strategy Sanity” and avoid the “Tax Torpedo”

 “The S&P 500 crashes more than 30% every 10 years, on average,” Livingston says. “With today’s technology, individual investors can prevent those crashes by spending only 15 minutes per month to tune up their portfolios and protect their life savings.” introduces Livingston’s new column

To support the revolution that Muscular Portfolios represents, will publish a new column by Livingston twice a week beginning November 1. Called Muscular Investing, the column reveals how investors can take advantage of the most profitable strategies developed by 21st-century financial experts.

"Brian brings a data-driven, yet also very approachable perspective to investing and personal finance," StockCharts Business Manager Grayson Roze said. "Building on the great work and substantial research he's put into his new book, Brian's new blog is going to add a lot to our commentary offerings on StockCharts."

About Brian Livingston

Brian Livingston is a successful dot-com entrepreneur and award-winning business journalist. From 1984 to 1991, he worked in New York City as the assistant information technology manager of UBS Securities, consultant to JPMorgan Chase (formerly Morgan Guarantee Trust), and technology advisor to Lazard Frères. Beginning in 1991, he authored or co-authored 11 books in the Windows Secrets series (John Wiley & Sons), which sold more than 2.5 million copies. He received the Technical Excellence Award from the National Microcomputer Managers Association and the Entrepreneur of the Year Award from the 6th Annual Internet Content Summit. He also founded, whose newsletter grew to 400,000 subscribers before he sold the business in 2010. Livingston is currently a financial columnist for and CEO of, the first website to reveal Wall Street’s secret buy-and-sell signals free of charge.  He is president of the Seattle regional chapter of the American Association of Individual Investors (AAII).

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Brian Livingston is a successful dot-com entrepreneur and award-winning business journalist. His book, Muscular Portfolios, reveals simple formulas that outperform the S&P 500. The book has a companion website,, with daily portfolio tracking.
