Media Advisory: Workers, healthcare providers and immigrant serving agencies from the Chinese Canadian community call on Doug Ford and PC Government to withdraw Bill 47

TORONTO, Nov. 13, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Provincial Government has introduced Bill 47 to roll back basic employment standards protection for all workers in Ontario.  The Bill will be put before the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs on November 15, 2018. Workers, medical practitioners and community agencies serving low income workers in the Chinese Canadian community will host a media conference on November 14, 2018 calling on Premier Ford to deliver his campaign promise to work "for the people" by immediately withdrawing Bill 47 and returning previous protections to workers. Representatives from the community will speak at the media conference to discuss how Bill 47 will negatively affect all workers in Ontario and the ways in which it will specifically affect racialized immigrant workers such as those in the Chinese immigrant community.

Details about the media conference are as follows:

What:Workers, healthcare providers and immigrant serving agencies from the Chinese  
 Canadian community call on Doug Ford & PC Government to Withdraw Bill 47 
Who: Avvy Go, Clinic Director, Chinese & Southeast Asian Legal Clinic  
 Moy Wong-Tam, Executive Director, Centre for Immigrant & Community Services 
 Dr. Joseph Y.K. Wong, Family physician, former Chair of the United Way of  
   Greater Toronto & Founder of Yee Hong Centre for Geriatric Care.  
 Betty Wu, Public health nurse and President, Chinese Nurses Association 
 Kingsley Kwok, Respiratory therapist, Co-Chair of Chinese Workers Network – Toronto
   and York Region Labour Council 
When:Wednesday, November 14th, 2018 at 10:00AM 
Where: Queens Park, Main Legislative Building, 111 Wellesley St. W, Toronto. 
 Media Studio, Room 149 (main floor close to the main entrance). 

For more Information:
Chinese Canadian National Council Toronto
Justin Kong
Executive Director
416-596-0833 (3)

Profil de l'entrepriseChinese Canadian National Council Toronto