CEO of ATP, Christian Hyldahl, has decided to step down

CEO of ATP, Christian Hyldahl, has decided to step down

” This weekend I have received Christian Hyldahl’s notice of termination. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Christian on behalf of the entire board of directors for his dedicated work in ATP – and for the way he both in person and leadership-wise has headed the special responsibility which lies with ATP.
Christian has set a clear direction in developing ATP’s activities and ensuring good pensions through social responsible investments, and the board of directors has been highly satisfied with Christian as CEO of ATP.  Personally, I have greatly appreciated our collaboration, which was much too short. But at the same time, I have great understanding and respect for the decision Christian has made”, says Torben M. Andersen, chairman of the board.      

The two vice-chairmen of ATP’s board of directors, Jacob Holbraad, DA, and Lizette Risgaard, LO, say:

“We entirely understand Christian Hyldahl’s decision, which we note.
On behalf of the labor markets’ parties, we would like to thank Christian Hyldahl for his dedicated work in in ATP. In close collaboration with the board, Christian Hyldahl has been a main driver in placing social responsibility, active ownership and a progressive tax policy on the agenda”.

The resigned CEO Christian Hyldahl says:

I have been very happy and proud to head ATP, and to the best of my ability I have tried to meet the expectations that society has had to both ATP and to me as CEO. I have decided to resign because parts of the surroundings that ATP depend on no longer have faith in me as CEO of ATP and I must draw the conclusion that this will not change. At the same time, there is an increasing risk that the reputation of ATP will  suffer which should be avoided on any account. I would like to thank all the dedicated and skilled employees whom I have been working together with in ATP. Take good care of ATP.”

The particulars of Christian Hyldahl’s resignation and the appointment of a temporary CEO will be clarified as soon as possible.


Further information: Communications consultant Robert Neimanas, phone: +45 93 94 02 05, mail:



Pièces jointes

CEO of ATP, Christian Hyldahl, has decided to step down_press release