Movistar+ implements Net Insight’s Remote production solution for Spanish Basketball League

Stockholm, Sweden – Net Insight today announces that the Spanish Digital TV subscription provider Movistar+ and media and broadcast services provider Telefonica Servicios Audiovisuales, both part of Telefónica, have rolled out Net Insight’s remote production solution to cover the production of Spanish Basketball League (Liga Endesa) and to enrich their EuroLeague and EuroCup productions with personalized feeds.

The setup is based on Net Insight’s remote production solution with Nimbra MSRs and supports up to six cameras with two return feeds including specialized data transport, such as camera control and intercomms, over 1Gbps links connecting the arenas with the main production facilities. The full package also includes the backup solution based on the Nimbra VA platform supporting up to two cameras with one return feed and capacity to reroute all the data requirements. Nimbra VA and internet contribution is now mature enough for remote production, with backup being a first step to put it into the production chain.

“Net Insight’s remote production solution allows us to produce more sports content with higher quality while keeping the same level of reliability than the old setup with OB vans and satellite contribution,” says Manuela Martínez, Head of Engineering and Maintenance at Movistar+. “We can now use the same production team for two consecutive matches resulting in considerable savings of time and resources.”

“In order to make Movistar+ successful in their business, we are supporting Movistar+ with our extensive know-how and leading-edge technology to blend high-quality remote production with easy backup over the Internet,” says Henrik Sund, CEO of Net Insight. “Remote production and distributed workflows are the future of TV production and offers higher flexibility and efficiencies, cost as well as quality, for broadcasters.”

The order was won together with Net Insight's Spanish partner MoMe in the third quarter and MoMe has provided all integration and implementation services.

For further information, please contact:
Henrik Sund, CEO Net Insight AB, +46 8 685 04 00,

About Net Insight

Net Insight's vision is to enable a live and interactive media experience for anyone on earth. Our aim is to lead progress and enable a global media marketplace where live content can be exchanged and interaction among TV audiences can take place in real-time. We want to create the media experience of the future, centered on content.

Net Insight delivers products, software and services for effective, high-quality media transport, coupled with the effective management of resources, all, which creates an enhanced TV experience. Net Insight’s offerings span across the entire media spectrum, starting from TV cameras and TV studios, right through to the TV consumers. Our solutions benefit network operators, and TV and production companies, by lowering total cost of ownership, improving their workflow efficiencies and providing them with the ability to capture new business opportunities.

More than 500 world-class customers run mission critical media services using Net Insight’s solutions, covering more than 60 countries worldwide. Net Insight is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.

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MOVISTAR + is the leading provider of audiovisual entertainment in Spain. A Telefonica company, it offers viewers the very best premium content in Sports, Movies, Series and Entertainment. It has also recently added the new channel # 0, which delivers quality television to more than 3.7 million subscriber households and is the best way to explore the wide range of content offered by Movistar +. Movistar + continues to add top quality channels and to expand its broad catalog of content – all available on demand, allowing customers to enjoy TV on all devices, wherever and whenever they want. MOVISTAR + is at the forefront of technology with 3D broadcasts, 4K and VR.

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About Telefonica Servicios Audiovisuales

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About MoMe

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Press release (PDF)