InSphero and Path BioAnalytics Announce Partnership to Develop Advanced 3D Airway Tissue Model for Cystic Fibrosis Research

Path BioAnalytics to explore InSphero 3D cell technology to produce organoids from primary Cystic Fibrosis patient tissues to aid the development of new treatments

Schlieren, Switzerland, Dec. 19, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- InSphero AG and Path BioAnalytics today announced a partnership through which Path BioAnalytics will produce and test 3D cystic fibrosis (CF) organoid models from primary human bronchial and nasal epithelial cells using InSphero’s proprietary 3D cell-based technology, which enables formation of biologically-relevant, personalized organoids without the use of artificial matrices. CF research efforts are currently hampered by the high variability in response to therapies among CF individuals due to the complexity of CF-causing mutations and individual genomic backgrounds. The new scaffold-free CF models developed by Path BioAnalytics will have the potential to be used for high-throughput screening of drug candidates and address the genomic diversity within the CF patient population.

Path BioAnalytics CEO Dr. John Mellnik says, “Through this partnership, we aim to build on our domain expertise and further enable precision drug development with human 3D cell-based models that mimic complex human respiratory physiology and disease etiology with minimal confounding factors.” Path BioAnalytics, which specializes in 3D disease modeling of respiratory tissues, plans to compare the utility of scaffold-free CF models to its established media and hydrogel-based assays. The company will evaluate efficiency of formation of differentiated organoids and assess morphology, lifespan in culture, and response to different stimuli using its proprietary image analysis software.

“Patient-derived 3D cell models are crucial for discovering new treatment solutions and matching patients to the best available therapies. Working with Path BioAnalytics will enable us to support much-needed respiratory disease research and contribute to the ongoing search for a cure for Cystic Fibrosis. Our team is excited to tackle a disease that so severely affects the life of 70,000 people worldwide” says Dr. Jan Lichtenberg, InSphero CEO and Co-founder. InSphero partners with pharmaceutical and biotech companies to provide comprehensive 3D cell-based solutions, disease modeling, and drug safety testing. It has commercialized development of 3D cell-based disease models for metabolic diseases of the liver (NASH and Fibrosis) and pancreas (Diabetes Type 2 and Type 2) using co-cultures of primary human cell types as well as oncology models from patient-derived xenograph materials (PDX). Its proven 3D technology and microtissue models are used by top pharmaceutical companies worldwide.

For more information about InSphero, visit

To learn more about Path BioAnalytics, visit


InSphero contacts 

Dr. Frank Junker
Chief Business Officer
Phone +41 44 5150490

Dr. Jan Lichtenberg
Chief Executive Officer
Phone +41 44 5150490

About InSphero

InSphero is the pioneer of industrial-grade, 3D-cell-based assay solutions and scaffold-free 3D organ-on-a-chip technology. Through partnerships, InSphero supports pharmaceutical and biotechnology researchers in successful decision-making by accurately rebuilding the human physiology in vitro. Its robust and precisely engineered suite of 3D InSight™ human tissue platforms are used by major pharmaceutical companies worldwide to increase efficiency in drug discovery and safety testing. The company specializes in liver toxicology, metabolic diseases (e.g, T1 & T2 diabetes and NAFLD & NASH liver disease), and oncology (with a focus on immuno-oncology and PDX models). The scalable Akura™ technology underlying the company’s 3D InSight™ Discovery and Safety Platforms includes 96 and 384-well plate formats and the Akura™ Flow organ-on-a-chip system to drive efficient innovation throughout all phases of drug development.

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InSphero 3D technology will enable scientists at Path BioAnalytics to develop and test scaffold-free models for cystic fibrosis research.
