Generation West Virginia’s Impact Fellowship Grows to Offer 26 Jobs With 15 Employers in Year Three

CHARLESTON, W.Va., Dec. 19, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Generation West Virginia (GWV) announced in a press conference today that their Impact Fellowship program is growing in its third year to offer 26 jobs with 15 host employers across the state.

“Since launching in 2017, the Impact Fellowship has generated a total of 43 jobs in the Mountain State and received nearly 500 applications from across the state and world. The interest in this program is proof that there is demand among talented young people for access to great jobs like those offered by the fellowship,” said Natalie Roper, executive director of Generation West Virginia. “We are so proud to be partnering with this innovative group of employers, and with Jobcase, our national outreach partner, to grow this program, generate more quality jobs and expand opportunity in the Mountain State.”

Host companies participating in year three of the Impact Fellowship are American Benefit Corporation, Alpha Technology, CAMC, Core10, Just Transition Fund, McKinley Architecture and Engineering, Motion Masters, NGK, Quality Insights, Service Pump & Supply, Solar Holler, Terradon, Unlimited Future, West Virginia Community & Technical College System, and West Virginia University. "The Impact Fellowship has connected Alpha Technologies with talented employees that support our company's growth and success in West Virginia,” said Charlie Dennie, Director of Government Relations at Alpha Technologies, a business technology company located in Hurricane, WV that is returning as a host company in year three of the program.

During the course of the fellowship year, Impact Fellows work four days a week for their host company and spend each Friday volunteering at local nonprofit organizations around the state. "By the end of the program's second year, Impact Fellows will have donated 4,896 community service hours, that's equivalent to over $118,000 in kind services and time,” said Kinsey Walker, Fellowship Director of Generation West Virginia. “In addition to the value they bring to their employers, Impact Fellows are enriching the communities they call home and expanding the reach and capacity of local nonprofits to create meaningful change."

“I’ve travelled all over the country, but I truly believe there’s no place like WV. Through the Impact Fellowship I’ve been able to get a head start on my career, and give back to my home state,” said Courtney Law, a 2018 Impact Fellow working at Quality Insights in Charleston.

Today’s press conference marked the launch of the application period for year three of the Impact Fellowship. The program’s recruitment period runs December 19th through February 3rd with outreach support from Jobcase, a Boston­-based tech company focused on improving jobseeker access to work opportunities, connections, and community support. Prospective applicants can learn more and must apply by February 3rd at

Generation West Virginia (GWV) is the statewide organization dedicated to attracting, retaining and advancing young talent in the Mountain State.

Carling McManus 617­240­7311
