NOW AVAILABLE – Ducks Unlimited Canada releases 2019 National Art Portfolio

Alberta artist selected for Canada’s premier collection of conservation artwork

Edmonton, Alberta, Feb. 22, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Connecting Canadians with the benefits of conservation is central to the Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC) National Art Portfolio.

“Among our greatest challenges in wetland conservation is transforming how people relate to the natural world,” says Karla Guyn, CEO of Ducks Unlimited Canada. “Artists have a unique ability to evoke people’s feelings about the importance of our land, water and wildlife. They are strong proponents of conservation and their artwork is a powerful tool for building appreciation and support for wetland conservation in Canada.”

The 2019 National Art Portfolio is a collection of memorable moments that highlight the importance of Canada’s natural environment to our Canadian lifestyles. “Each year DUC receives hundreds of submissions,” says Guyn. “We select pieces that we feel can inspire Canadians to reflect on their own experiences in nature and to embrace wetland conservation within their lives.”

Shannon Lawlor is among the artists chosen for this year’s collection, earning a place with her piece entitled Klasa. Lawlor’s equine art traces back to life on the Canadian prairies where she says she was “never far from either a horse or a pencil.” Her work celebrates equine culture and Canada’s truly unique and long-standing relationship with the horse, even in the face of mechanization. Born and raised in Manitoba, Lawlor now calls Alberta home. You’ll find Lawlor’s work in ranches throughout the Canadian West to the sleekest of office towers, hotels and urban homes where her style and subject matter gives pause to even the most discerning modern art collector.

DUC has been partnering with artists on the National Art Portfolio since 1986. The annually-released collection is up for auction with proceeds funding DUC’s conservation work. Canadians can bid on pieces in the collection now at

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Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC) delivers wetland conservation that benefits every Canadian. We keep the water in your lakes and rivers clean. We protect your community from the effects of flood and drought. We save wildlife and special natural places. We use science to find solutions to the most important environmental issues of the day and we collaborate with people who are helping create a healthier world. The wetlands we save aren’t just for ducks; they’re for all of us. Visit

