American Institutes for Research Experts to Present at Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness (SREE) Spring Conference

Washington, D.C., March 04, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Washington, D.C. – Experts from the American Institutes for Research (AIR) will present at several sessions during the 2019 spring conference of the Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness (SREE) held March 6-9, 2019, at the Fairmont in Washington, D.C.  AIR is a sponsor of the event and AIR Vice President Jessica Heppen is on the program committee.

Built around the theme Tensions and Tradeoffs: Responding to Diverse Demands for Evidence, the SREE spring conference will bring together hundreds of education researchers, policy leaders, and professionals from around the country. AIR experts will present their work in several sessions around a variety of topics, including research methods, social and emotional learning in education settings, early childhood education, postsecondary education, academic learning, and organization of schools and systems. Two AIR researchers—Jill Bowdon and Trisha Borman—will participate in a panel on Wednesday, March 6 about career strategies for women interested in quantitative methods in education.

Founded in 2005, SREE seeks to support research and education policy and practice through a variety of work, including publications, professional development, programmatic initiatives and conferences.

Sessions featuring AIR experts and work are listed below. For more information on the conference and to see the full program, visit the SREE Spring Conference website.

Wednesday, March 6

12 p.m. – 4 p.m. EST

Workshop D: Advanced Methods in Meta-Analysis
Location: Roosevelt – Ballroom Level
AIR presenters/authors: Josh Polanin and Ryan Williams

4 p.m. – 6 p.m. EST

Women in Quantitative Methodology
Location: Roosevelt – Ballroom Level
AIR presenters/authors: Jill Bowdon and Trisha Borman

Thursday, March 7

8:30 a.m. EST

Postsecondary EducationDevelopmental Education Reform to Improve Student Outcomes: Findings from Four Evaluations (Symposium 1D)
Location: Longworth - Ballroom Level
The Causal Impact of Corequisite Remediation on Student Outcomes
AIR presenter/author: Trey Miller

Organization of Schools and Systems—Assessing Models of Coaching and Teacher Development (Paper Session 1E)
Location: Decatur - Ballroom Level
Preparing Teachers in Denver: Examining the Impact of Denver Teacher Residency on Teacher Retention, Teacher Effectiveness, and Student Achievement
AIR presenters/authors: Eleanor Fulbeck, Ryan Eisner, Martyna Citkowicz and Bo Zhu 

Research Methods—New Directions for the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC): Expanding the Accessibility and Reach of WWC Products (Symposium 1F)
Location: Ballroom 2
New Approaches for Characterizing Findings in What Works Clearinghouse Intervention Reports
AIR presenters/authors: Joshua Polanin, Ryan Williams, Joe Taylor, Sarah Caverly, Daniel Hubbard and Elizabeth Nolan

1:15 p.m. EST

Academic Learning in Education Settings: Evaluations of Science Interventions (Paper Session 3A)
Location: Latrobe - Ballroom Level
Evaluation of the Thinking, Doing, Talking Science Programme
AIR presenter/author: Sami T. Kitmitto

Organization of Schools and Systems & Education in Global Contexts—Exploring Understudied Sources of Bias in Teacher Observations (Paper Session 3D)
Location: Decatur - Ballroom Level
Improving Teacher Evaluation: Using Evidence from an RCT to Compare Ratings Used for Feedback to Ratings Used for Research
AIR presenters/authors: Andrew Wayne, Jordan Rickles, Mike Garet, Seth Brown and Mengli Song

Social and Emotional Learning in Education Settings—Advancing Social and Emotional Learning in Educational Settings with Research-Practice Partnerships (Symposium 3G)
Location: Culpeper - Ballroom Level
A Researcher-Practitioner Partnership in Illinois
AIR presenter: Jill Bowdon

3 p.m. EST

Academic Learning in Education Settings—Content and Language, Rigor and Accommodation: Tensions and Trade-Offs of STEM Access for English Learners (Symposium 4A)
Location: Decatur - Ballroom Level
Evidence of Promise for a Scaffolded Math Curriculum for Middle School English Learners
AIR presenter/author: Diane August
AIR discussant: Matthew Linick

6:30 p.m. EST

Organization of Schools and Systems (Poster Session 5B)
Location: Ballroom Foyer
Exploring the Concept of Professional Capital: Insights from the 2015-16 National Teacher and Principal Survey (NTPS)
AIR presenters/authors: Sakiko Ikoma and Yuan Zhang

Friday, March 8

8:30 a.m.  EST

Early Childhood Education—Experimental Evidence in Early Childhood Education (Paper Session 6B)
Location: Kennedy - Ballroom Level
A Multisite Randomized Controlled Trial of Descubriendo La Lectura (DLL): A Within-Study Replication
AIR presenters/authors: Trisha Borman, Bo Zhu, So Jung Park, Alejandra Martin, Scott Houghton and Sidney Wilkinson-Flicker

1 p.m. EST

Early Childhood Education (Poster Session 7A)
Location: Ballroom Foyer
Validation of the Systematic Assessment of Book Reading
AIR presenter/author: Jill Pentimonti

2:30 p.m. EST

Academic Learning in Education SettingsTechnology in the Classroom (Paper Session 8A)
Location: Culpeper - Ballroom Level
When Students Fail Ninth Grade English: Implementation and Initial Outcomes for a Blended Learning Approach to Credit Recovery
AIR presenters/authors: Jordan Rickles, Rui Yang, Peggy Clements, Jessica Heppen, Iliana Brodziak de los Reyes and Sonica Dhillon

Saturday, March 9

8:30 a.m. EST

Research Methods—Supporting the Use of Evidence-Based Screening and Progress Monitoring Tools: Reflections from over a Decade of Building and Maintaining the National Center on Intensive Intervention (NCII) Assessment Tools Charts (Panel 10E)
Location: Culpeper - Ballroom Level
AIR Moderator: Alison Gandhi
AIR presenter/author: Jill Pentimonti

Research Methods—Concerns with Construct and External Validities in RCTs (Paper Session 10F)
Location: Roosevelt - Ballroom Level
Exploring the Merits of Adjusting Education Effect Sizes for Program-Outcome Overalignment
AIR presenter/author: Joshua Polanin

10:15 a.m. EST

Academic Learning in Education Settings—Professional Development and Teacher Practice (Paper Session 11A)
Location: Roosevelt - Ballroom Level
AIR Chair: Michael Garet
How Malleable Is a Teacher's Classroom Practice?: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Field Studies with Classroom Observations
AIR presenters/authors: Rachel Garrett, Martyna Citkowicz and Ryan Williams

Academic Learning in Education Settings & Social and Emotional Learning in Education Settings—Middle Grades Math (Paper Session 11C)
Location: Latrobe - Ballroom Level
Does Readiness for Eighth-Grade Algebra Matter? Replicating Analyses at a Third Site in Southeast Michigan
AIR presenters/authors: David Miller, Whitney Cade, Ryan Eisner, Jordan Rickles, Kirk Walters and Nicholas Sorensen

The Role of Identity-Based Motivation in Teachers' Advanced Math Course Placement Decisions
AIR presenters/authors: Nicholas Sorensen, Ryan Eisner and Kirk Walters

Research Methods—The Methodological Foundations of Replication Sciences
Location: Ballroom 1
Discussant: Larry Hedges, AIR Institute Fellow

About AIR

Established in 1946, with headquarters in Washington, D.C., the American Institutes for Research (AIR) is a nonpartisan, not-for-profit organization that conducts behavioral and social science research and delivers technical assistance both domestically and internationally in the areas of health, education and workforce productivity. For more information, visit

