Inspirata Introduces Artificial Intelligence Tool-Sets to their Digital Pathology Solution at Pathology Informatics Summit

Visit booth 312 at the Association for Pathology Informatics Summit to learn how Inspirata is adding data insights to increase the value of digital pathology.

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, May 06, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Cancer informatics and digital pathology workflow solution provider Inspirata today revealed their strategy to bring two new artificial intelligence tools for surveillance, structuring and reporting of pathology diagnoses into their digital pathology workflow solution. This announcement coincides with Inspirata’s scheduled participation at the Pathology Informatics Summit, Pittsburgh, PA from May 6th-9th 2019.

The two solutions, Abrevio™ and E-Path Reporter, use artificial intelligence and natural language processing (NLP) to assist healthcare providers normalize and make inferences on unstructured pathology report text together with additional clinical notes found in numerous disparate silos. As Abrevio™ and E-Path Reporter are integrated into Inspirata’s Dynamyx® digital pathology software, pathologists may leverage robust solutions already utilized daily at over 400 institutions globally to report over 12 million pathology records annually.

“The benefits in graduating to digital pathology can expand beyond what you have heard to date,” explains Inspirata EVP & Founder, Dr. Mark Lloyd. “The most exciting benefits surround the rich data-set generated through digitization and the opportunity it represents when combined with AI technologies such as NLP to capture and structure additional clinical information. Together, digital pathology and NLP provide novel and important insights to help inform our understanding of diseases like cancer.” Dr. Lloyd will speak on Tuesday morning about using minable repositories of information to build next generation pathology tools. A detailed scientific poster will also be presented on Tuesday.

Mining histopathology big-data represents a near-term priority for many healthcare institutions as typified by Inspirata customer, Ohio State University (OSU), who amassed an archive of over one million whole slide images. “We’re looking for answers to some very specific questions,” says Dr. Anil Parwani of OSU and keynote speaker at the Pathology Informatics Summit. “Embracing digitization while drawing on new tool-sets predicated on AI to really interrogate the data is the only scalable way for us to realize the kind of downstream advances in patient care we crave.”  

Inspirata will also be using the Pathology Informatics Summit 2019 to spotlight the very latest technical partnerships developed since fully opening Dynamyx™, their flagship diagnostics solution, to third-party integrations. “For many institutions being locked into one solution for all aspects of the digital pathology workflow is both impractical, unwise and commercially wholly undesirable,” says Inspirata Digital Pathology GM Andrew Chomos. “It prevents departments from leveraging existing hardware investments, while removing the freedom to choose their preferred blend of technologies based on the nuances of their departments.” The pressures on pathology departments are increasing.  Inspirata’s advanced workflow-centric tools, ‘open’ architecture and focus on the integration of minable information are critical enablers of digital adoption.

Located at booth 312 at the Pathology Informatics Summit, event attendees will be able to participate in interactive demonstrations of Inspirata’s Dynamyx digital pathology workflow software and to discuss how institutes can go ‘beyond digital pathology’ using AI and NLP tools including Abrevio™ and E-Path Reporter. Abrevio’s™ primary use-case is in auto-abstracting terms from pathology reports and E-Path Reporter is the industry leading automated cancer reporting system.  

About Inspirata, Inc.
Inspirata®, Inc. helps patients fighting cancer—and the clinicians they trust—to make every moment matter. Our comprehensive cancer informatics solutions bring disparate data together throughout the entire cancer care journey to drive informed decisions that improve survivorship. 

Inspirata has assembled the most advanced and proven technologies to address the complex challenges of delivering cancer care and conducting ground-breaking research. We combine leading digital pathology solutions with automated cancer registry solutions, comprehensive cancer informatics and advanced patient engagement tools to bring users the broadest oncology informatics platform available globally. For more information, please visit or contact

