Erin Brockovich to take center stage at NCRA 2019 Convention & Expo

The internationally recognized consumer advocate and environmentalist will address court reporters and captioners.

Reston, May 13, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --

RESTON, Va., May 13, 2019 — Renowned consumer advocate and environmental activist Erin Brockovich will deliver the keynote address to attendees of NCRA’s 2019 Convention & Expo taking place Aug. 15-18 in Denver, Colo. NCRA (the National Court Reporters Association) is the country’s leading organization representing stenographic court reporters, captioners, and legal videographers. This flagship event serves as host to the largest annual gathering of court reporters, captioners, scopists, legal videographers, trial presenters, students, and other legal services professionals.

Brockovich will address attendees on Friday morning, Aug. 16, during the opening general session, which will also include the installation of NCRA officers.

“NCRA is so honored to have Erin Brockovich join us as our keynote speaker at the 2019 Convention & Expo in Denver, Colo. Her story is one of true inspiration,” said NCRA President Sue A. Terry, FAPR, RPR, CRR, CRC, a freelance court reporter from Springfield, Ohio. 

“Her ambition to overcome numerous challenges in her life, her impact in the legal arena, and her commitment to make the world a better and safer place for others is not just admirable, it is motivational. Her story is one that will without a doubt resonate with our members.”

The movie Erin Brockovich turned Brockovich from an unknown legal researcher into a 20th century icon by showcasing how her persistence was the force behind the largest medical settlement lawsuit in history. She continues to fight and uses her notoriety, knowledge, and dedicated spirit to encourage others to stand up and make a difference.

Brockovich will share with attendees insights into her journey to becoming one of the most recognizable names when it comes to consumer advocacy and environmental issues, as well as what motivates her in her work today.

Other highlights of NCRA’s 2019 Convention & Expo include the National Speed and Realtime Contests, which will be held on Aug. 14 and 15, respectively. These contests set the stage for NCRA members to compete for bragging rights for having the fastest fingers on a steno machine. Participants in both contests have their skills challenged by speed and accuracy components.

Attendees will also enjoy cutting-edge educational sessions, networking opportunities, an awards luncheon, a member recognition gala, an expo floor offering vendors with the latest in products and services, and more.

Members of the media who are interested in covering the keynote address, the contests, or any other portions of NCRA’s Convention & Expo, must register ahead of time. To register, visit the NCRA Press Center to download the official registration form. Space is limited. Completed media registration forms must be returned to Only vetted members of the media will be allowed to attend.

Court reporters and captioners rely on the latest in technology to use stenographic machines to capture the spoken word and translate it into written text in realtime. These professionals work both in and out of the courtroom recording legal cases and depositions, providing live captioning of events, and assisting members of the deaf and hard-of-hearing communities with gaining access to information, entertainment, educational opportunities, and more.

To arrange an interview with a working court reporter or captioner, or to learn more about the lucrative and flexible court reporting or captioning professions and the many job opportunities currently available, contact Be sure to visit NCRA’s Press Center for information as well.

Career information about the court reporting profession—one of the leading career options that does not require a traditional four-year degree—can be found at

About NCRA

The National Court Reporters Association (NCRA) has been internationally recognized for promoting excellence among those who capture and convert the spoken word to text for more than 100 years. NCRA is committed to supporting its 16,000 members in achieving the highest level of professional expertise with educational opportunities and industry-recognized court reporting, educator, and videographer certification programs. NCRA impacts legislative issues and the global marketplace through its actively involved membership. Forbes has named court reporting as one of the best career options that do not require a traditional four-year degree, and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the court reporting field is expected to grow by 14 percent through the year 2020.

